Thursday 1 June 2017

Inscrição Do Proprietário Retirada Diário

Como eu publicaria o investimento de um proprietário em um jornal geral em contabilidade Este site poderia ajudá-lo. RE: Como eu publicaria o investimento de um proprietário de um equipamento em uma revista geral em contabilidade eu estou tomando uma contabilidade. Mostre mais Este site pode ajudá-lo. RE: Como eu publicaria um investimento de proprietário de um equipamento em uma revista geral em contabilidade Eu estou tomando uma classe de contabilidade e eu tenho que preparar uma revista geral. Não estou certo de como devo supor publicar isso no jornal. Um proprietário investiu equipamentos na empresa, eu sei como publicar quando o proprietário investe dinheiro, eu faço isso da mesma maneira com o equipamento. Fonte (s): proprietário do posto 39 equipamento de investimento contabilidade geral do jornal: shortly. imIEDTI Matt middot há 1 ano Inicie sessão para adicionar um comentário Faça login para adicionar um comentário Debit Equipment and Credit Owners039 Equity, tanto pelo valor justo de mercado do equipamento. Sim, o mesmo proprietário é um investidor. Entre para adicionar um comentário, você está falando sério. Mary middot há 11 meses Entre para adicionar um comentário middot apenas agora Responda esta questão Questões relacionadas Reportar abuso Denunciar Abuso Desculpe, você chegou ao seu limite diário de perguntas. Ganhe mais pontos ou volte amanhã para pedir mais. Pedindo custos 5 pontos e, em seguida, escolher uma melhor resposta ganha 3 pontos. As perguntas devem seguir as diretrizes da comunidade O upload de mídia falhou. Você pode tentar novamente adicionar a mídia ou seguir em frente e postar a resposta O upload de mídia falhou. Você pode tentar novamente adicionar a mídia ou seguir em frente e postar a questão. A imagem enviada é menor que o tamanho mínimo de 320x240 pixels. Desculpe, o formato de arquivo não é suportado. Você só pode carregar a imagem com tamanho inferior a 5 MB. Você só pode fazer upload de vídeo com tamanho inferior a 60 MB. Gerando a visualização Avançar e publicar sua resposta. O vídeo carregado será ao vivo após o processamento. Vá em frente e publique sua pergunta. O vídeo carregado será ao vivo após o processamento. Pedido de envio. Isso pode demorar um ou dois minutos Fazendo upload. Contabilização, Payroll Pension Issues LLC Owners Draw (Gabinete médico) 401 (k) Pergunta Eu não conheço o termo Drawers Draw. Small LLC - o proprietário ganhou zero salário e Drawing dos Proprietários de 200,000. A esposa estava na folha de pagamento por um mês, ganhou um salário de 10.000 e Drawing dos proprietários de 50.000. Mais de 50 anos e fez 401 (k) de 20.500. Isso funciona? Can Owners Draw ser tratado como salário, ou eles excederam o máximo permitido 401 (k) Resposta O 401K não foi excedido. O limite para 2008 foi de 16.500 acrescido de um montante de recuperação de 5.500 permitido para aqueles com mais de 50 anos, o que seria 22.000 total permitido para 401K. Os proprietários de LLCs são considerados autônomos. Os proprietários independentes de LLCs geralmente não recebem cheques de folha de pagamento com imposto retido. Em vez disso, o proprietário autônomo de uma LLC tira dinheiro da empresa sob a forma de um sorteio de proprietários. Para fins de imposto de renda, os proprietários são acusados ​​de reconhecer os lucros de seus lucros independentemente de seus sorteios. O reconhecimento de impostos e o fluxo de dinheiro são duas coisas separadas em uma LLC. Se a LLC obteve um lucro de 20.000, então é reportada através do seu cronograma C. Eles NÃO relatam esse mesmo 20.000 por segunda vez devido ao fato de eles terem retirado durante o ano como os proprietários desenham. A remuneração dos proprietários deve ser debitada na conta de desenho. A entrada do diário para fechar o desenho ou a conta de retirada de uma empresa unipessoal inclui um débito para a conta de capital dos proprietários e um crédito para a conta de desenho. Para ilustrar a entrada de fechamento, vamos assumir que, no final do exercício contábil, a conta Eve Jones, Drawing tem um saldo devedor de 24.000. Este saldo é o resultado de Eve retirar 2.000 por mês de sua empresa exclusiva para uso pessoal. (Cada retirada mensal foi registrada com um débito à Eve Jones, Desenho e um crédito para Dinheiro.) A entrada do diário para fechar a conta do desenho requer um crédito para a Eve Jones, desenho para 24.000. A outra parte da entrada é um débito de 24,000 para Eve Jones, Capital. A conta de desenho ou retirada é uma conta de capital proprietário temporário, exigindo que ela seja encerrada no final do exercício contábil. A conta de desenho também é uma contra-conta para o patrimônio dos proprietários, porque o saldo devedor das contas de desenho é contrário ao saldo normal esperado para uma conta patrimonial do proprietário. Observe também que a conta de desenho é fechada diretamente à conta de capital. A conta do desenho não é uma despesa e, como resultado, não é fechada à conta Resumo do rendimento. Eu espero que isso ajude. Posso responder questões de folha de pagamento, questões de imposto de folha de pagamento, 401K perguntas. Nenhuma opção de opção de estoque, por favor, e tenho algum conhecimento de outras pensões, mas estou mais familiarizado com a pensão 401K. Posso responder às perguntas da folha de pagamento dos EUA e do Canadá proficientemente e ter um bom conhecimento geral do Reino Unido e da África do Sul e algum conhecimento sobre os procedimentos de folha de pagamento da Austrália e da Nova Zelândia. Não me peça perguntas de lição de casa. Não tenho tempo para responder. Experimente 25 anos com uma empresa internacional nas áreas de Recursos Humanos, Folha de Pagamento e Folha de Pagamento. Organizações SHRM, APA, I. O.M. A. Publicações I. O.M. A. E BNA EducationCredentials P. H.R. C. P.P. Administrador de folha de pagamento canadense, aprovou a classe APA na administração da folha de pagamento do Reino Unido. Prêmios de Certificação de Recursos Humanos da Universidade Estadual de Boise e Honras APA Hotline Citação do Mérito nos últimos 8 anos. Copy2017 Sobre. Todos os direitos reservados a equidade dos rendimentos estão tendo problemas com este exercício para minha tarefa de casa: quotFour diferentes proprietários, M, N, O e P, mostram os mesmos dados do balanço no. Mostre mais estou tendo problemas com este exercício para minha tarefa de casa: quotFour diferentes proprietários, M, N, O e P, mostram os mesmos dados do balanço no início e no final de um ano. Estes dados, excluindo o valor do patrimônio do proprietário, são resumidos da seguinte forma: Ativos totais: Início do ano: 750.000 Fim do ano: 1.200.000 Total de passivos: Início do ano: 300.000 Fim do Ano: 650.000 Com base em Os dados acima e as seguintes informações adicionais para o ano, determinam o lucro líquido (ou perda) de cada empresa para o ano. (Sugestão: 1ª determinar o montante do aumento ou diminuição do patrimônio do dono039 durante o ano.) Empresa M: dono não fez investimentos adicionais no negócio e sem retiradas Empresa N: proprietário não fez investimentos adicionais no negócio, mas retirou 60,000 Empresa O: o dono fez um investimento adicional de 150.000, mas não fez retiradas da Empresa P: o proprietário criou um investimento adicional de 150.000 e retirou 60.000. Conforme você sabe, o Patrimônio Líquido é um Ativo menos Passivo. A variação no patrimônio líquido é o lucro (excluindo investimentos e retiradas). A mudança de ativos foi de 450.000. A variação no passivo foi de 350 mil. A mudança de capital é, portanto, 100.000 para o ano. A lógica é: qual é a mudança no patrimônio sem o investimento ou retiradas M não fez nenhum investimento ou retirada. Os ganhos são 100.000. N deve adicionar novamente a retirada de 60.000. Os ganhos são 160 mil antes da retirada. O deve deduzir o investimento de 150.000. Os ganhos são -50,000 antes de fazer o investimento de 150,000. P deve deduzir 150.000 e adicionar 60.000. Os ganhos são 10.000. Latigo middot há 1 década Este site pode ajudá-lo. RE: patrimônio líquido do patrimônio eu estou tendo problemas com este exercício para minha tarefa de casa: amptafour diferente. Mostre mais Este site pode ajudá-lo. RE: patrimônio líquido do patrimônio eu tenho problemas com este exercício para minha tarefa de casa: ampquotFour diferentes proprietários, M, N, O e P, mostram os mesmos dados do balanço no início e no final de um ano. Esses dados, excluindo o valor do patrimônio da proprietária, estão resumidos da seguinte forma: Total de ativos: início. Fonte (s): patrimônio líquido dos proprietários de renda: tr. im6E7bN Saxon middot há 2 anos Entre para adicionar um comentário Mary middot 11 meses atrás Entre para adicionar um comentário middot apenas agora Responda esta questão Questões relacionadas Reportar abuso Denunciar Abuso Desculpe, você está Atingiu seu limite de perguntar diariamente. Ganhe mais pontos ou volte amanhã para pedir mais. Pedindo custos 5 pontos e, em seguida, escolher uma melhor resposta ganha 3 pontos. As perguntas devem seguir as diretrizes da comunidade O upload de mídia falhou. Você pode tentar novamente adicionar a mídia ou seguir em frente e postar a resposta O upload de mídia falhou. Você pode tentar novamente adicionar a mídia ou seguir em frente e postar a questão. A imagem enviada é menor que o tamanho mínimo de 320x240 pixels. Desculpe, o formato de arquivo não é suportado. Você só pode carregar a imagem com tamanho inferior a 5 MB. Você só pode fazer upload de vídeo com tamanho inferior a 60 MB. Gerando a visualização Avançar e publicar sua resposta. O vídeo carregado será ao vivo após o processamento. Vá em frente e publique sua pergunta. O vídeo carregado será ao vivo após o processamento. Pedido de envio. Isso pode levar um ou dois minutos para carregar. Uma boca próxima não pega moscas. Um convidado constante nunca é bem-vindo. Ações falam mais alto que palavras. A adversidade leva à prosperidade. A adversidade torna um homem sábio, não rico. Uma morte justa honra toda a vida. Um amigo fiel é difícil de encontrar. Uma queda em um poço, um ganho em sua inteligência. Uma raposa pode ficar cinza, mas nunca é boa. Um amigo na necessidade é um amigo de verdade. Um amigo é mais fácil de perder do que encontrado. Um amigo nunca é conhecido até que um homem precise. Um amigo sem falhas nunca será encontrado. Depois de você é um bom jeito. Um bom começo está meio feito. Um bom começo faz um bom final. Um bom livro é um bom amigo. Um bom livro é o melhor dos amigos, o mesmo hoje e para sempre. Uma boa consciência é um travesseiro macio. Uma boa fama é melhor do que uma boa cara. Um bom marido faz uma boa esposa. Um bom remédio prova amargo. Uma boa esposa de saúde é a melhor riqueza de homens. Um grande falante é um grande mentiroso. Um hedge entre mantém a amizade verde. Uma piada nunca ganha um inimigo, mas perde um amigo. Um leopardo não pode mudar as suas pintas. Um mentiroso não acredita quando fala a verdade. Um coração leve vive muito. Um pequeno corpo geralmente abriga uma grande alma. Um pouco de conhecimento é uma coisa perigosa. Uma pequena panela está em breve quente. Todos são corajosos quando o inimigo voa. Todas as coisas boas chegam ao fim. Todos os rios correm para o mar. Todos os caminhos levam a Roma. Tudo o que acaba bem está bem. Nem tudo que reluz é ouro. Todas as coisas são difíceis antes de serem fáceis. Todo trabalho e nenhuma peça fazem Jack um menino maçante. Um homem se torna aprendido fazendo perguntas. Um homem não pode fazer mais do que ele pode. Um homem não pode girar e rolar ao mesmo tempo. Um homem é conhecido por seus amigos. Um homem de palavras e não de ações é como um jardim cheio de ervas daninhas. Um homem sem dinheiro não é homem. Um coração alegre vai todo o caminho. Uma senhorita é tão boa quanto uma milha. Um amor de mãe nunca muda. Uma maçã por dia mantém o médico longe. Uma nova escova varre limpa. Um olho para um olho e um dente para um dente. Uma hora de manhã vale duas horas da noite. Um cachorro velho não pode aprender novos truques. Uma porção de sorte é melhor do que uma libra de sabedoria. Uma onça de prevenção vale uma libra de cura. Uma pedra que rola não junta musgo. Como um homem semeia, então ele deve colher. Uma única flor não faz uma primavera. Um ano de neve, um ano rico. A beleza está nos olhos dos amores. Seja rápido para ouvir, lento para falar. Antes tarde do que nunca. É melhor perguntar o caminho do que se desviar. Entre amigos, tudo é comum. As aves de uma pluma se reúnem. O sangue é mais espesso que a água. O sangue terá sangue. Livros e amigos devem ser poucos, mas bons. Negócio é negócio. O negócio é o sal da vida. Ao ler, enriquecemos a mente, pela conversa, polonemos. Não consigo ver a madeira para as árvores. Cuidado e diligência trazem sorte. Cuidado é o pai da segurança. Cheats nunca prosperam. As crianças são o que as mães são. Escolha um autor conforme você escolhe um amigo. Venha o que pode, o céu não cairá. A complacência é o inimigo do estudo. A confiança em você é o primeiro passo no caminho para o sucesso. O gotejamento constante desgasta uma pedra. O conteúdo é melhor que as riquezas. Conte as galinhas antes de serem incubadas. A cortesia de um lado só dura pouco. Creep antes de andar. Chore para a lua. O costume é uma segunda natureza. O costume torna todas as coisas fáceis. O diamante corta o diamante. Faça como fazem os romanos. Faça como seria feito por. Fazer é melhor do que dizer. Faça isso agora. Não faça nada por metade. Não confie em saber o que você não conhece. Não tenha muitos ferros no fogo. Não faça uma montanha fora de um molehill. Não adie até amanhã o que deve ser feito hoje. Não coloque o carrinho antes do cavalo. Não molhe problemas até que o problema o incomode. Não tente ensinar sua avó a sugar ovos. Faça bem e esteja bem. Cada ave gosta de se ouvir cantar. Cedo para a cama e cedo para subir torna um homem saudável, rico e sábio. Mais fácil falar do que fazer. Assim como vem, também vai. Coma para viver, mas não viver para comer. Os vasos vazios produzem o maior som. Envy não tem feriados. Mesmo Homer às vezes assente com a cabeça. Mesmo o recorde faz amigos longos. Toda vantagem tem sua desvantagem. Everybodys business é um negócio nobodys. Todos os dias não são domingo. Todo cachorro tem seu dia. Toda porta pode ser fechada, mas a porta das mortes. Todo coração tem sua própria tristeza. Todo pouco ajuda um mickle. Todo homem para si mesmo, e o diabo leva o atraso. Todo homem tem suas falhas. Todo homem tem seu hobbyhorse. Todo homem tem o lado fraco. Todo homem é o arquiteto de sua própria fortuna. Cada minuto conta. Todas as mães são bonitas. Todos os potristas louvam bater o pote. Tudo é bom quando novo, mas amigos quando velho. O exemplo é melhor que percept. A experiência é o pai da sabedoria e da memória da mãe. A experiência deve ser comprada. Os fatos falam mais alto do que as palavras. Fracasso é a mãe do sucesso. Os amigos falsos são pior do que inimigos amargos. Longe do olho, longe do coração. A água distante não apaga perto do fogo. As falhas são grossas, onde o amor é magro. O medo sempre vem da ignorância. Os campos têm olhos e as madeiras têm ouvidos. O fogo e a água não têm piedade. O fogo é um bom servo, mas um mestre ruim. Primeiro a chegar, primeiro a ser servido. As primeiras impressões são metade da batalha. Primeiro, pense e depois fale. Os tolos crescem sem rega. A precipitação dos tolos não é velocidade. Fools tem fortuna. Os tolos não aprendem nada com os homens sábios, mas os sábios aprendem muito dos tolos. A fruta proibida é doce. A fortuna favorece aqueles que usam seu julgamento. Fortune bate uma vez pelo menos em cada portão do homem. Quatro olhos vêem mais de dois. Os amigos concordam melhor com a distância. Os amigos são ladrões de tempo. Os amigos devem se separar. O gênio não passa de trabalho e diligência. Dê a um cão um nome ruim e coloque-o. Deus ajuda aqueles que se ajudam. O ouro não comprará nada. O bom para o bem é natural, o bem para o mal é viril. A boa saúde é sobre a riqueza. Um bom remédio para a saúde tem um gosto amargo para a boca. O bom relógio impede o infortúnio. Os grandes barkers não são biters. Grandes esperanças fazem grande homem. As grandes mentes pensam da mesma forma. Os grandes homens têm grandes falhas. Os grandes homens raramente fazem bem. Grandes árvores são boas para nada além de sombra. O bom entendimento tem pequenas lembranças. Pessoas gentis têm armas longas. Consciências culpadas fazem homens covardes. O hábito cura o hábito. Ótimo é aquele que faz de graça. A felicidade não leva em conta o tempo. Feliz, ele não deve nada. Feliz é o homem que aprende das desgraças dos outros. Harm set, damage get. Amor precipitado, em breve frio. Saúde é melhor que riqueza. A saúde é felicidade. Ouça todas as partes. O céu nunca ajuda o homem que não age. Ele é um tolo que se esquece. Ele é um bom amigo que fala bem de nós atrás de nossas costas. Ele é um homem sábio que fala pouco. Ele é sem vida e é irrepreensível. Ele não é apto para comandar outros que não podem se comandar. Ele não se riu daquele riso em si primeiro. Ele é sábio que é honesto. 22 Ele sabe mais quem fala menos. Quem ri por último ri melhor. Ele coloca a raposa para manter os gansos. Aquele que sobe alto cai fortemente. Aquele que não funciona não deve comer. Aquele que não avança perde terreno. Aquele que faz queixa constante recebe pouca compaixão. Aquele que não comete erros não faz nada. Aquele que não arrisca nada ganha nada. A história se repete. Honestidade é a melhor política. Espero pelo melhor, mas prepare-se para o pior. Eu também não posso ser seu amigo e seu adulador. Se um homem me engana uma vez, vergonha nele, se ele me engana duas vezes, é uma vergonha para mim. Se você se faz um burro, não se queixa se as pessoas o acompanham. Se seus ouvidos brilharem, alguém está falando de você. Se você correr após duas lebres, você não pegará. Se você vende a vaca, você também vende seu leite. Se você não se aventurar em nada, você não terá nada. Se você quer conhecimento, você deve trabalhar por isso. A indústria é o pai do sucesso. É melhor morrer quando a vida é uma desgraça. É mais fácil conseguir dinheiro do que mantê-lo. É fácil ser sábio após o evento. É fácil abrir uma loja, mas é difícil mantê-la sempre aberta. É difícil agradar a todos. Nunca é muito velho para aprender. Não adianta chorar pelo leite derramado. É o primeiro passo que custa incomodar. É o imprevisto que sempre acontece. É tarde demais para se afligir quando a chance é passada. Nunca chove mas transborda. Leve três gerações para fazer um cavalheiro. Jack de todos os comércios e mestre de nenhum. Não julgue as aparências. A justiça tem armas longas. Mantenha boa companhia de homens e você deve ser do número. Matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só. Os reis ficam loucos, e as pessoas sofrem por isso. Os reis têm braços longos. (7): o conhecimento é poder. O conhecimento faz humilde, a ignorância se orgulha. Aprenda e viva. O aprendizado torna um bom homem melhor e o mal é pior. Aprenda não e não conheça. Aprenda a andar antes de correr. Esquecer o passado. Deixe os cães dorminhocos mentir. Deixe o gato sair da bolsa. Mentiras nunca podem mudar de fato. As mentiras têm pernas curtas. A vida é apenas uma extensão. A vida é meio gasto antes de sabermos o que é. A vida não é todas rosas. A vida sem um amigo é a morte. Como um rato em um buraco. Como o autor, como livro. Tal pai tal filho. Gosto de gostar. Como sabe. Tal mãe tal filha. Como professor, como aluno. Como a árvore, como a fruta. Pequenas coisas divertem pequenas mentes. Olhe antes de pular. Lookers-on vê mais do que jogadores. Os perdedores estão sempre errados. Tempo perdido nunca é achado novamente. Amor à primeira vista. O amor não pode ser compelido. O amor é cego. O amor está cheio de problemas. O amor nunca é sem ciúmes. Me ame ame meu cachorro. Aproveitar o maximo. Faça seu inimigo seu amigo. O homem é a alma do universo. O homem propõe, Deus dispõe. Muitas mãos fazem a luz funcionar. Muitas cabeças são melhores do que uma. Muitas coisas crescem no jardim que nunca foram semeadas lá. Medida por Medida. Uma desgraça nunca vem sozinha. O infortúnio prova a sinceridade dos amigos. O dinheiro não é tudo. O assassinato vai sair. Meu filho é meu filho até que ele tenha uma esposa, mas minha filha é minha filha todos os dias de sua vida. A natureza é a verdadeira lei. Necessidade é a mãe da invenção. Nunca pesquise em problemas de água. Nunca julgue pelas aparências. Nunca diga morra. Nunca muito velho para aprender, nunca é tarde demais para virar. Vinho novo em garrafas antigas. Sem cruz, sem coroa. Sem jardim sem ervas daninhas. Nenhum homem vivo, todas as coisas podem. Ninguém pode fazer duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Nenhum homem nasceu sábio ou aprendeu. Nenhum homem está contente. Nenhum homem é sábio em todos os momentos. Nenhum é tão cego como aqueles que não verão. Nenhum é tão surdo quanto aqueles que não ouvirão. Nenhuma notícia é boa notícia. Ninguém pode ligar de volta ontem. Sem dores, sem ganhos. Sem prazer sem dor. Sem rosa sem espinho. Não é doce sem suor. Não há fumaça sem fogo. Nada corajoso, nada tem. Nada mais seca do que uma lágrima. Nada no mundo é difícil para quem decide. Nada é difícil para o homem que vai tentar. Nada procura, nada encontra. Nada é tão necessário para viajantes como línguas. Nada deve ser obtido sem dores, mas pobreza. Não avançar é voltar. Não saber o que aconteceu antes de nascer é sempre ser uma criança. De nenhuma maneira é impossível a coragem. Obediência é o primeiro dever de um soldado. A observação é a melhor professora. A ofensa é a melhor defesa. Antigos amigos e vinhos antigos são os melhores. O pecado antigo causa nova vergonha. Uma vez que um homem e duas vezes uma criança. Uma vez um ladrão, sempre um ladrão. Uma vez mordido, duas vezes tímido. Um menino é um menino, dois meninos meio menino, três garotos, nenhum garoto. Não se pode pôr de volta o relógio. Uma testemunha ocular é melhor do que dez relatos. Um movimento falso pode perder o jogo. Um favor paga se com outro. Uma hora hoje vale dois amanhã. A culpa de um homem é outra lição de homem. Nunca perde nada por cortesia. Uma andorinha não faz um verão. As palavras refletem os pensamentos. Sair da dívida, fora de perigo. Fora do escritório, fora de perigo. Fora da vista, longe da mente. A paciência é o melhor remédio. Penny sábio, libra tolo. O lote é louvado mais do que praticado. Por favor, olhe e ameixe o coração. O prazer vem através do trabalho. Despeje a água em uma peneira. A prática leva à perfeição. O louvor não é pudim. O louvor melhora os homens, e os homens maus pioram. Prefere perda de ganho injusto. Prevenção é melhor que a cura. O orgulho vai antes, e a vergonha vem depois. A promessa é dívida. Provérbios são as filhas da experiência diária. Puxe o castelo fora do fogo. Coloque o carrinho antes do cavalo. Coloque seu ombro no volante. A leitura enriquece a mente. A leitura é para a mente enquanto faz exercício para o corpo. Respeite-se, ou ninguém mais o respeitará. Roma não é construída em um dia. Dizer é uma coisa e fazer outra. Ver para crer. Procure a verdade dos fatos. Mande um homem sábio em uma missão, e não diga nada a ele. Defina um ladrão para pegar um ladrão. Contas curtas fazem amigos longos. Alguma coisa é melhor que nada. Aprenda logo, logo esquecido. Em breve maduro, logo podre. O discurso é de prata, o silêncio é ouro. A água imóvel corre profundamente. Acerte o ferro enquanto estiver quente. O sucesso pertence à perseverança. Pegue as coisas à medida que elas chegam. Falar não faz nenhum buraco. Fale sobre o diabo e ele aparecerá. Árvores altas pegam muito vento. Ensine os outros pelo seu exemplo. Os melhores corações são sempre os mais valentes. O melhor homem tropeça. O gato fecha os olhos ao roubar. O perigo passado e Deus esquecido. A hora mais escura é mais próxima do amanhecer. O lugar mais sombrio está sob o candelabro. O diabo sabe muitas coisas porque ele é velho. O diabo às vezes fala a verdade. O dado é lançado. Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga. O fim justifica os meios. O final torna tudo igual. O olho é maior do que a barriga. O caminho mais distante é o caminho mais próximo de casa. O diamante mais fino deve ser cortado. O fogo é a prova do ouro, a adversidade do homem forte. O primeiro passo é a única dificuldade. A raposa sabia demais, foi assim que ele perdeu a cauda. A raposa presa mais longe de casa. O sapo do poço não sabe nada do grande oceano. Demasiada liberdade derrama tudo. Muito louvor é um fardo. Ganhar tempo é para prolongar a vida. Pitch pitch, e você será contaminado. Os problemas nunca chegam sozinhos. A verdade nunca envelhece. Vire uma nova folha. Dois cães se esforçam por um osso, e um terceiro foge com ele. Duas cabeças são melhores que uma. Dois de um comércio raramente concordam. Dois erros não fazem um certo. Unidade é força. O conselho desagradável é um bom remédio. Até que tudo acabe, a ambição nunca morre. Aventure um peixe pequeno para pegar um ótimo. A virtude é mais justa do que a beleza. Paredes tem ouvidos. Lave sua roupa suja em casa. A queda de água dia a dia traz a rocha mais difícil. A riqueza não é nada sem saúde. Não sabemos o que é bom até que a perdemos. Bem começado é meio caminho andado. Nunca sabemos o valor da água até o poço estar seco. Nunca teremos amigos se esperarmos encontrá-los sem culpa. Nunca devemos lembrar os benefícios que oferecemos nem esquecer o favor recebido. Molhado atrás das orelhas. Faça o que fizer, faça com todas as suas forças. O que é aprendido no berço é levado ao túmulo. O que está feito não pode ser desfeito. O que está perdido é perdido. O que fazemos voluntariamente é fácil. Quando em Roma, faça o que fazem os romanos. Quando everybodys alguém então não recebe ninguém. Quando a tristeza está adormecida, não acorde. Quando as dores vêm, eles não vêm espiões solteiros, mas em batalhões. Quando a raposa prega, cuide dos seus gansos. Quando o vinho está na verdade, o espírito está fora. Onde há uma vontade, há um caminho. Onde há vida há esperança. Onde há fumaça há fogo. Enquanto o sacerdote sobe um post, o diabo sobe dez. Quem conversa com você, conversará com você. A quem os deuses adoram morrer jovens. O sábio tem suas bocas em seus corações, os tolos têm o coração em suas bocas. O trabalho faz o trabalhador. Você não pode queimar a vela em ambas as extremidades. Você não pode comer o seu bolo e tê-lo. Você pode levar um cavalo para a água, mas você não consegue fazê-lo beber. Você pode saber com um punhado o saco inteiro. Você nunca sabe o que pode até tentar. Casamento de papel - 1 casamento de estanho - 2 casamento de cristal - 15 casamento na China - 20 casamento de prata - 25 casamento de pérolas - casamento de 30 rubis - casamento de 40 safiras - 45 casamento de ouro - casamento de 50 esmeraldas - 55 Casamento de diamantes - 60-70 1 Bom para a última gota 2 Obedecer a sua sede 3 A nova era digital 4 Nós lideramos Mais cópias 5 Impossível possível 6 Tire um tempo para satisfazer 7 A busca implacável da perfeição8 Poesia em movimento perto de mim 9 Venha para Onde o sabor éMarlboro Country 10Para methe passado é preto e branco, mas o futuro é sempre color11. Apenas faça isso. 12. Peça mais. 13. O sabor é excelente. 14. Sinta o novo espaço. 15. Inteligência em todos os lugares. 16. A escolha de uma nova geração. 17. Integramos, você se comunica. 18. Tome TOSHIBA, tome o mundo. 19. Vamos fazer as coisas melhores. 20. Não há negócios muito pequenos, nenhum problema muito grande. Loja de departamento da IBM Loja de confeitaria Loja de doces Mercearia Supermercado Centro comercial Livraria Loja de grãos Loja de alimentos Loja de comida e bebida Comer Casa Snack Bar Loja de bebidas frias Loja de carne Sauced Loja de carne curada Loja de carne assada Beancurd Loja Produtos aquáticos Loja Loja de carnes, açougueiras Loja de legumes Loja Green Grocery Fowl Shop Loja de carvão Loja de roupas Loja de roupas pré-fabricadas Loja de medicamentos Loja de relógios e relógios Loja de artigos infantis Loja de papelaria Loja de artigos de uso diário Loja de artigos diversos Utensílios de cozinha Loja Loja de móveis Loja de óculos Loja de presentes Loja de amizade Loja de aparelhos elétricos Loja de flores Antiguidades Loja Jóias Lojas de mercadorias de segunda mão Loja de tintas Hardware Storemakeup mascara mascara hidratante de leite) cor multi-unha esmalte de unhas esmalte de unhas depilação normal nutritivo controle de óleo embalagem oleosa peeling em pó purificar reparo removedor de remoção rápida (8): esfrega revitalização ( ) Som de sombreamento sensível ponto de solvente mancha solar tonificação loção tre Ntment wash waterproof - white - acne ativo após o sol sem álcool anti-anti rugas balanceamento blusher clean-combination correto creme dia essência seca (olho esfoliante gel olho máscara olho sombra eyeliner () facial rápido seco firme espuma fundação gel de toner hidratação gentil - Lábio cuidado batom labial batão loção duradoura poder solto -------- Exército ---- Geral Primeira Classe -------- Geral -------- Tenente Geral ----- --- Major General -------- Corpo Sénior -------- Coronel -------- Tenente Coronel -------- Major ------- - Capítulo -------- Primeiro tenente -------- Segundo tenente ------ Sargento mestre ---- Sargento especialista -------- Sargento, Primeira Classe - ------ Sargento -------- Corporal ------ Privado, Primeira Classe -------- Privado -------- Marinha ---- Almirante, Primeira Classe -------- Almirante -------- Vice-almirante -------- Contra-almirante -------- Capitão-chefe -------- Capitão -------- Comandante -------- Tenente Comandante -------- Tenente -------- Tenente, Junior Grade -------- Ensign - ----- Chief Petty Office R ---- Especialista mesquinho -------- Mestre, primeira classe -------- mestiçante, segunda classe -------- mestiçante, terceira classe --- --- Marinheiro, Primeira Classe -------- Marinheiro, Segunda Classe -------- Força Aérea ---- Geral, Primeira Classe -------- Geral ---- ---- Tenente Geral -------- Major General -------- Corpo Sénior -------- Coronel -------- Tenente Coronel ----- --- Major -------- Capitão -------- Primeiro Tenente -------- Segundo Tenente ------ Sargento Mestre ---- Sargento Especialista --- ----- Sargento Técnico -------- Sargento -------- Corporal ------ Airman, Primeira Classe -------- Airman, Second Class1.the A seguinte conversa ocorre entre um açougue e um cliente. As suas salsichas sabem gosto de carne em uma extremidade, mas gosto de pão na outra mulher que a mulher perguntou. O homem respondeu: ampquotMadam, em tempos como esses, nenhum açougueiro pode fazer com que as duas extremidades se alimentem. 2. Que cor você pintaria o sol e o vento? O sol aumentou e o vento azul. 3. - Por que domingo é o dia mais forte - porque todos os outros são dias úteis. 4.a conversa que se realizou entre um wwaitress e um cliente em um restaurante. Ainda não comer o seu peixe, a amiga disse a garçonete. Ampola Qualquer coisa errada com itampquot ampquotLong time no mar, amp. O homem respondeu. GLOSSÁRIO DE TERMOS CHINESES Regulamentos sobre Graus Acadêmicos na República Popular da China Certificado de conclusão Certificado de Graduação Certificado de ConclusãoEstudio de IncompleçãoEstudio FaculdadeInstituto de Educação Escola Secundária Secundária Normal Nível secundário Normal Especializado Pós-secundário Colégio NormalTeachers Universidade Certificado Notarial Pós-escolar Especializado Universidade Rádio e Televisão Universidade Especializada Secundária Exame de auto-estudo da escola Trabalhadores qualificados Escola de treinamento Tempo de reposição Universidade Pessoal e trabalhadores Universidade universitária (regular, grau-grant) Vocacional O dinheiro da universidade não é tudo. Há um visto de mastercard amp. ,. Um deve amar os animais. Eles são tão saborosos. ,. Amo o vizinho. Mas não seja pego. ,. Por trás de todo homem bem sucedido, há uma mulher. E por trás de cada homem mal sucedido, há dois. Cada homem deveria se casar. Afinal, a felicidade não é a única coisa na vida. ,. Os sábios nunca se casam, e quando se casam, eles se tornaram de outra forma. ,. O sucesso é um termo relativo. Isso traz tantos parentes. ,. Nunca adiem o trabalho até amanhã o que você pode adiar hoje. . O amor é fotogênico. Precisa que a escuridão se desenvolva. ,. As crianças nos bancos traseiros causam acidentes. Os acidentes nos bancos traseiros causam filhos. . O futuro depende do seu sonho. Então, vá dormir. Ampquotampquot ,. Deve haver uma maneira melhor de começar um dia do que acordar todas as manhãs. ,. O trabalho de amperagem nunca mata ninguém. qualquote, mas por que tomar o ampero de amptam de risco. Ampquotwork me fascina. Eu posso olhar para ele por horas ampquot ampquot. Deus fez parentes graças a Deus, podemos escolher nossos amigos. , Quando a companhia de dois anos, trio o resultado, um vestido é como uma cerca de farpas. Protege as instalações sem restringir a visão. ,. Quanto mais você aprender, mais você sabe, quanto mais você sabe, mais você esquece. Quanto mais você esquece, menos você sabe. Então por que se preocupar em aprender. ,, maçã de amêndoa núcleo de maçã sumo de maçã maçã pele damasco alperce carne abricó de cana areca porca banana banana pele preço barato Beechnut Pequim floração caranguejo amargo amargo amargo laranja amora frango enlatado carambola cereja cereja poço cereja polpa castanha castanha chinesa data chinesa chinês groselha noz chinesa Coco leite de coco água de coco água gelada loja fria crocante cumquat damson ameixa Dangshan pera data data poço decaído fruto frouxo campo frutos secos duque cedo maturação fig filbert primeira classe liso pêssego sabor carne carne fresco fresco litchi fruiterer fruta em sacos fruto faca frutas do Temporada gingko dar peso total dar peso curto uva suco de uva suco de uva grapea greengage Hami melão Hard haw hawthorn avelra mel pêssego suco suculento suculento pêssego jujuba kernel kumquat tardio amadurecimento limão litchi litchi rind longan longan pulp loguat mandarina manga madura morello muskmelon umbigo naranja porca Porca castanha de porca oleaster azeitona laranja casca de laranja papaya peach pear perishable pineapple plum plumcot pomegranate pomelo red bayberry reduced price ripe rotten fruit seasonable seedless orange special-grade strawberry sultana superfine tangerine tart tender tinned fruit unripe walnut walnut kernel water chestnut watermelon ---------- I ---- airport fee departures international airport check-in domestic airport boarding pass (card) airport terminal passport control immigration international terminal luggage claim baggage claim international departure international passengers domestic departure transfers satellite transfer passengers in transfer correspondence exit out way out transit ( arrivals goods to declare nothing to declare V. I. P. room customs ticket office gate departure gate cash departure lounge taxi FLT No (flight number) Taxipick-up point . arriving from coachpick-up point scheduled time (SCHED) airline coach service actual () car hire landed bus coach service . departure to public phone telephone departure time toilet W. C lavatories rest room delayed mens gents gentlemens boarding womens ladys stairs and lifts to departures restaurant greeting arriving bar up upstairs coffee shop cafe down downstairs duty-free shop bank post office money exchange currency exchange rail ticket hotel reservation tour arrangement () endoresementrestrictions to name of passenger () carrier good for passage between flight no. from class (fare basis) date plane No. time seat No. status smoking seat ticket confirm non-smoking seat gatefamily name year First (Given) Name month sex accompanying number male occupation female professionals amp technical nationality legislators ampadministrators country of citizenship clerk passport No. commerce (Business People) country of Origin (Country where you live) service destination country farmer city where you boarded worker city where visa was issued others date issue jobless address while in signature number and street official use only city and state day date of Birth (Birthdate) surname (. ) expiry date ( before) first (given) name . for stays of sex 10 ten days birthdate 8 eight weeks nationality 3 three months passport No. 6 six months control No. 1 one year Issue At 3 three years Issue Date (On) visa (class) (11): (13): 118 1. Absolutely not. 2. Are you coming with me 3. Are you sure 4. As soon as possible. 5. Believe me. 6. Buy it. 7. Call me tomorrow. 8. Can you speak slowly 9. Come with me. 10. Congratulations. 11. Do it right 12. Do you mean it. 13. Do you see him often 14. Do you see it Do you understand 15. Do you want it 16. Do you want something 17. Dont do it. 18. Dont exaggerate. 19. Dont tell me that. 20. Give me a hand. 21. Go right ahead. 22. Have a good trip. 23. Have a nice day. 24. Have you finished 25. He doesnt have time. 26. He is on his way. 27. How are you doing 28. How long are you staying. 29. I am crazy about her. 30. I am wasting my time. 31. I can do it. 32. I cant believe it. 33. I cant wait. 34. I dont have time. 35. I dont know anybody. 36. I dont like it. 37. I dont think so. 38. I feel much better. 39. I found it. 40. I hope so. 41. I knew it. 42. I noticed that. 43. I see. 44. I speak English well. 45. I think so. 46. I want to speak with him. 47. I won. 48. I would like a cup of coffee, please. 49. Im hungry. 50. Im leaving. 51. Im sorry. 52. Im used to it. 53. Ill miss you. 54. Ill try. 55. Im bored. 56. Im busy. 57. Im having fun. 58. Im ready. 59. Ive got it. 60. Ive had it. 61. Its incredible 62. Is it far 63. It doesnt matter. 64. It smells good. 65. Its about time. 66. Its all right. 67. Its easy. 68. Its good. . 69. Its near here. 70. Its nothing. 71. Its time to go. 72. Its different. 73. Its funny. 74. Its impossible. 75. Its not bad. 76. Its not difficult. . 77. Its not worth it. 78. Its obvious. 79. Its the same thing. 80. Its your turn. 81. Let me see. 82. Let me know. 83. Me too. 84. Not yet. 85. Relax 86. See you tomorrow. 87. She is my best friend. 88. She is so smart. 89. Show me. 90. Tell me. 91. Thank you very much. 92. That happens. 93. Thats enough. 94. Thats interesting. 95. Thats right. 96. Thats true. 97. There are too many people here. 98. They like each other. 99. Think about it. 100. Too bad 101. Wait for me. 102. What did you say 103. What do you think 104. What is he talking about 105. What terrible weather 106. Whats going on happening the problem 107. Whats the date today 108. Where are you going. 109. Where is he 110. You are impatient. 111. You look tired. 112. You surprise me. 113. Youre crazy. 114. Youre welcome. 115. Youre always right. 116. Youre in a bad mood. 117. Youre lying. 118. Youre wrong. :shanghairen. cnbbs (14): 900 1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel. 2 Id like to change this ticket to the first class. 3 Id like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago. 4 I wont check this baggage 5 Id like to sit in the front of the plane. 6 I missed my train. 7 I havent nothing to declare. 8 its all personal effects. 9 Ill pick up ticket at the airport counter. 10 Id like two seats on todays northwest flight 7 to Detroit, please. 7 11 we waited for john in the lobby of the airport. 12 Id like to buy an excursion pass instead. 13 Id like a refund on this ticket. 14 Id like to have a seat by the window. 15 you have to change at Chicago station. 16 we have only one a day for New York. 17 sorry, they are already full. 18 Id like to reserve a seat to New York. 19 the flight number is ak708 on September 5th. 20 theres a ten thirty flight in the morning. 10 21 Im looking for my baggage 22 Id like to make a reservation. 23 the sooner, the better. 24 Id like to change my reservation. 25 Id like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo. 26 my reservation number is 2991. 27 I made a reservation in Tokyo. 28 I made reservations yesterday. 29 I want to reserve a seat from Los Angeles to Tokyo. 30 I always have a big wash to do on Saturdays. 31 the laundry is not dry enough. 32 I put too much detergent in the washer. 33 this stain is really stubborn. 34 I did three loads of wash today. 35 the train is comfortable. 36 I checked my baggage in the baggage section. 37 he guessed the train would come in early. 38 the stations are always full of people 39 I hope you have a good trip. 40 you need to transfer at central station. 41 how long are you going to stay here 42 do you have anything to declare 43 whatamp39s the purpose of your visit 44 what time does the ship leave 45 when will the ship leave for Honolulu 46 could you please give me the departure time 47 do I need a reservation to go by ship 48 how much for a one-way ticket to shanghai 49 when would you like to returngo 50 do you have any tickets available for that date 51 Do you have any tickets available for that date 52 How much does a round trip ticket to go there cost 53 Would you take this coat to the cleaners 54 Will you iron out the wrinkles in this skirt 55 Wont you iron this shirt for me 56 Will you bring the laundry in if it rains 57 Where am I supposed to pay the excess train fare 58 Where can you pick up your suitcase 59 When can you pick up your ticket 60 Where is immigration 61 Where can I get my baggage 62 Is the departure time on schedule 63 How long will the flight be delayed 64 Whats the cause of the delay 65 Will the flight be delayed 66 May I have baggage tags 67 Excuse me, what time will the plane arrive in Tokyo 68 Could you explain how to fill this out 69 May I have a customs declaration form, please 70 May I have a disembarkation card 71 Is this within the tax-free limit 72 Wheres a tax-free shop 73 What time should I be at the departure gate 74 Could you help me find my baggage 75 Will the flight be canceled 76 Would you please make my reservation to Chicago for tomorrow 77 Do you have a flight to New York departing at about 10 a. m. Next Monday 78 Whats the fare to New York, Economy Class 79 Where do I pick up the ticket 80 From which station does the train leave 81 Can I stop over on the way 82 Can I have a second-class one-way ticket to Chicago, please 83 Are there any discount tickets for me 84 What time does the plane take off 85 One way or a round trip ticket 86 What time does the first train to Boston leave 87 Is it direct train 88 What platform does the train le ave from 89 By what time should I check in 90 What is the boarding time 91 How much is the excess baggage charge 92 Will this flight leave on time 93 Can I bring this on the plane 94 What is the gate number 95 Are there reserved seats on the train 96 Where is gate six 6 97 Where is the boarding gate for this flight 98 Has this seat number started boarding 99 Where is the ticket office 100 How long is the ticket valid 101 Do I have to make a reconfirmation 102 Is there any earlier one 103 Could you tell me my reservation number, please 104 Can I get a seat for todayamp39s 7:00 a. m. train 7 105 Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo 106 Is there any discount for the USA Railpass 107 May I reconfirm my flight 108 Are they all non-reserved seats 109 Do I have to reserve a seat 110 May I see a timetable 111 How long will I have to wait 112 Which would you prefer, a smoking seat or a non-smoking seat 113 Do you have any other flights 114 When would you lik e to leave 115 Can I reconfirm by phone 116 Where can I make a reservation 117 Do I need a reservation for the dining car 118 How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive 119 Is this a daily flight 120 Excuse me. May I get by 121 How much does it cost to go there by ship 122 Can I cancel this ticket 123 Check it to my final destination 124 Please come to the airport by eight thirty at the latest. 830 125 Take your baggage to the baggage section. 126 Please open your baggage. 127 Please fill in this disembarkation card. 128 Let me see your passport, please. 129 I have come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one. 130 Youamp39re going out of your way for us, I believe. 131 Itamp39s just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient of you right now. 132 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now. 133 If he wants to make any changes, minor alternations can be made then. 134 Is there any way of ensuring weamp39ll have enough time for our talks 135 So our evenings will be quite full then 136 Weamp39ll leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you. 137 Weamp39d have to compare notes on what weamp39ve discussed during the day. 138 Thatamp39ll put us both in the picture. 139 Then weamp39d have some idea of what youamp39ll be needing. 140 I canamp39t say for certain off-hand. 141 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking. 142 Itamp39ll be easier for us to get down to facts then. 143 But wouldnamp39t you like to spend an extra day or two here 144 Iamp39m afraid that wonamp39t be possible, much as weamp39d like to. 145 Weamp39ve got to report back to the head office. 146 Thank you for you cooperation. 147 Weamp39ve arranged our schedule without any trouble. 148 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends. Would you please have a look at it 149 If you have any questions on the details feel free to ask. 150 I can see you have put a lot of time into it. 151 We really wish youamp39ll have a pleasant stay here. 152 I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us. 153 Welcome to our factory. 154 Iamp39ve been looking forward to visiting your factory. 155 Youamp39ll know our products better after this visit. 156 Maybe we could start with the Designing Department. 157 Then we could look at the production line. 158 These drawings on the wall are process sheets. 159 They describe how each process goes on to the next. 160 We are running on two shifts. 161 Almost every process is computerized. 162 The efficiency is greatly raised, and the intensity of labor is decreased. 163 All products have to go through five checks in the whole process. 164 We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise. 165 Therefore, we always put quality as the first consideration. 166 Quality is even more important than quantity. 167 I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble. 168 Do we have to wear the helmets 169 Is the production line fully automatic 170 What kind of quality control do you have 171 All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out. 172 Whatamp39s your general impression, may I ask 173 Iamp39m impressed by your approach to business. 174 The product gives you an edge over your competitors, I guess. 175 No one can match us so far as quality is concerned. 176 I think we may be able to work together in the future. 177 We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market. 178 The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company. 179 We would be glad to start business with you. 180 Iamp39d appreciate your kind consideration in the coming negotiation. 181 We are happy to be of help. 182 I can assure you of our close cooperation. 183 Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples 184 It will take me several hours if I really look at everything. 185 You may be interested in only some of the items. 186 I can javance at the rest. 187 Theyamp39ve met with great favor home and abroad. 188 All these articles are best selling lines. 189 Your desire coincides with ours. 190 No wonder youamp39re so experienced. 191 Textile business has become more and more difficult since the competition grew. 192 Could I have your latest catalogues or something that tells me about your company 193 At what time can we work out a deal 194 I hope to conclude some business with you. 195 We also hope to expand our business with you. 196 This is our common desire. 197 I think you probably know China has adopted a flexible policy in her foreign trade. 198 Iamp39ve read about it, but Iamp39d like to know more about it. 199 Seeing is believing. 200 How would you like to proceed with the negotiations 201 Iamp39d like to know something about your foreign trade policy. 202 It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade. 203 Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. 204 We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings. 205 We have mainly adopted some usual international practices. 206 You have also made some readjustment in your import and export business, have you 207 Iamp39d like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country 208 We are sure both of us have a brighter future. 209 We had expected much lower prices. 210 They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere. 211 I can show you other quotations that are lower than yours. 212 When you compare the prices, you must take everything into consideration. 213 I can assure you the prices we offer you are very favorable. 214 I donamp39t think youamp39ll have any difficulty in pushing sales. 215 But the market prices are changing frequently. 216 Itamp39s up to you to decide. 217 The demand for our products has kept rising. 218 How long will your offer hold good 219 We have new methods like compensation trade and joint ventrue. 220 I think a joint venture would be beneficial to us both. 221 Please give us your proposal if youamp39re ready for that. 222 Here is our contract. 223 Please go over it and see if everything is in order. 224 Donamp39t you think we should add a sentence here like this 225 If one side fails to observe the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it. 226 The loss for this reason should be charged by the side breaking the contract. 227 Do you have any comment on this clause 228 No wonder everyone speak highly of your commercial integrity. 229 It is our permanent principle that contracts are honored and commercial integrity is maintained. 230 Anything else you want to bring up for discussion. 231 You may rest assured that the shipment will be duly delivered. 232 We must have your LC at least one month before the time of shipment. 233 The contract contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiations. 234 I hope no questions about the terms. 235 Iamp39m glad our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion. 236 I hope this will lead to further business between us. 237 Weamp39ll sign two originals, each in Chinese and English language. 238 I am ready to sign the agreement. 239 Iamp39m sure you need an original signature, not a faxed copy. 240 So I will receive and sign it overnight. 241 Weamp39ll still be able to meet the deadline. 242 I will keep you posted. 243 What is your hurry 244 Iamp39m sorry to burst in on you like this, but Iamp39m really upset. , 245 What on earth has happened to trouble you so 246 Iamp39m afraid I have bad news for you. 247 The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided. 248 You agreed that we could make a little change in design if necessary. 249 Our clients are very critical on quality. 250 What do you want us to do 251 Our clients want a replacement. 252 Itamp39s a bit too hard. 253 Itamp39s only the background color thatamp39s not identical. 254 It sounds like a reasonable solution. 255 You are saying you turn on the computer and see nothing 256 I would say that you have a larger problem than just the monitor. 257 Whatever it is, I need this computer to work. 258 Is there any way you could bring it in to be looked at 259 If not, our repairman can come to you. 260 I would prefer if he comes here. 261 Our first bill came yesterday, and we have some questions. 262 I sure hope I can answer them for you. 263 It does appear that way. 264 Let me do some research on this and get back with you tomorrow. 265 As they are in such a damaged condition, we doubt we will be able to take delivery. 266 Do you know the percentage of the damaged portion 267 We should require a survey report, so that we may know the extent of the damage. 268 You can see for yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unassailable. 269 We should make it clear whether the damage was caused in transit or during the unloading process, or by other reasons. 270 The goods were carefully packed and shipped here in excellent condition. 271 Then the damage must be caused at somewhere along the line where the goods werenamp39t handled properly. 272 I would like to present our comments in the following order. 273 First of all, I will outline the characteristics of our product. 274 When I present my views on the competitive products, I will refer to the patent situation. 275 Please proceed with your presentation. 276 Yes, we have been interested in new system. 277 Has your company done any research in this field 1 CIF 2 3 4 5 6 Trade terms, price terms,2000 E EXWF FCAFAS FOB C CFRCIF CPT CIP D DAFDES DEQ DDU DDPl (1) (E) (2) FC (3) D l 1 symbolic deliveryCFRCIFCPTCIP 2 physical delivery 1 FOBFree On Boardnamed port of shipment FOB 1 FOB line terms 2 FOB under tackle 3 FOB stowed 4 FOB trimmed 2 CIFCostInsurance and Freightnamed port of destination ampltampgt CIF 1 CIF line terms 2 CIF ex-ships hold 3 CIF landed FOBCIFCIFFOB 1 2 3 DDU, delivered duty unpaid(named place of destination) () 4 DDP delivered duty paidnamed place of destination ()ampOslash CURRENCY BILL a DRAFT b PROMISSORY NOTE c CHECK ampOslash 1 Remittance Remitting bankRemitterPaying bankPayeeBeneficiary TT 1 2 3 4 5 1 Telegraphic TransferTT 2 Mail Transfer MT 3 Bankers Demand Draft, DD IICollectionDP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 s Against PaymentDP 1 DP sight 2 DP atdays after sight l (Trust Receipt, TR), 2 s Against Against AcceptanceDA1 2 3 DADP 4 . Letter of CreditLC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 1 Irrevocable Credit 2 Revocable Credit 2 1 Revolving Credit 2 Transferable Credit 3 Back-to-Back Credit 1 2 3(34): 5001 Exxon Mobil 2 Wal-Mart Stores 3 General Motors 4 Ford Motor 5 DaimlerChrysler 6 Royal DutchShell Group 7 BP 8 General Electric 9 Mitsubishi 10 Toyota Motor 11 Mitsui 12 Citigroup 13 Itochu 14 Total Fina Elf 15 Nippon Telegraph amp Telephone 16 Enron 17 AXA 18 Sumitomo 19 Intl. Business Machines 20 Marubeni 21 Volkswagen 22 Hitachi 23 Siemens 24 Ing Group 25 Allianz 26 Matsushita Electric Industrial 27 E. ON 28 Nippon Life Insurance 29 Deutsche Bank 30 Sony 31 ATampT 32 Verizon Communications 33 U. S. Postal Service 34 Philip Morris 35 CGNU 36 J. P. Morgan Chase 37 Carrefour 38 Credit Suisse 39 Nissho Iwai 40 Honda Motor 41 Bank of America Corp. 42 BNP Paribas 43 Nissan Motor 44 Toshiba 45 PDVSA 46 Assicurazioni Generali 47 Fiat 48 Mizuho Holdings 49 SBC Communications 50 Boeing 51 Texaco 52 Fujitsu 53 Duke Energy 54 Kroger 55 NEC 56 Hewlett-Packard 57 HSBC Holdings 58 Koninklijke Ahold 59 Nestl 60 Chevron 61 State Farm Insurance Cos. 62 Tokyo Electric Power 63 UBS 64 Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance 65 American International Group 66 Home Depot 67 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 68 Sinopec 69 ENI 70 Merrill Lynch 71 Fannie Mae 72 Unilever 73 Fortis 74 ABN AMRO Holding 75 Metro 76 Prudential 77 State Power Corporation 78 Rwe Group 79 Compaq Computer 80 Repsol YP F 81 Pemex 82 McKesson HBOC 83 China Petroleum 84 Lucent Technologies 85 Sears Roebuck 86 Peugeot 87 Munich Re Group 88 Merck 89 Procter amp Gamble 90 WorldCom 91 Vivendi Universal 92 Samsung Electronics 93 TIAA-CREF 94 Deutsche Telekom 95 Motorola 96 Sumitomo Life Insurance 97 Zurich Financial Services 98 Mitsubishi Electric 99 Renault 100 Kmart :shanghairen. cn 1. People mountain people sea. There is a large crowd of people. There is (was) a long movie line. (poetic expression) a (the) sea of faces Looking out upon the sea of faces, Mr. A delivered a touching speech. A Standing at his podium, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him. I saw a sea of faces from the top of the building. I saw the sea of faces. There is a sea of faces. I saw a large crowd of people. 2. Every family cooking pot has a black spot. () Many families have skeletons in the closet. () () Every family has its own source of shame. () Every family has its own problem. 3. There are no feasts in the world which do not break up at last. All good things come to an end. () Eventually, all bosom friends will drift apart. (bosom friend ) 4. When times are easy, we do not burn the incense, but when the trouble comes, we embrace the feet of the Buddha. Worship God every day not just in times of adversity. () If you study hard every day, exams will not seem overwhelming. () 5. He advertises mutton, but sells dogamp39s flesh. He hangs up a sheepamp39s head at the shopfront and sells dog meat. He applied bait-and-switch factics in business. () (Bait-and - switch ) () This store uses bait and switch policy. Let the buyer be aware ()Say one thing and do another. 6. One word lets slip and four horses will fail to catch it. A statement that once let loose cannot be caught by four galloping horses. A word once let go cannot be recalled. You can not take back what you have said. () 7. The mouth is the gate of misfortune and evil. Careless talk leads to trouble. () The less said the better. () Shut the mouth and open the eyes. () :shanghairen. cn (67): Too strange to be true ()Too beautiful to be naturalYou are so boring .()Shut up Oh, come on. Give me a break () You look fine Youre in the pink He is bouncy. He is energetic , I get mind of you. I heard a lot about you. Please remember me to your sister . Please give my best wishes to your father Please give my love to Jim I will miss you. Good-byeSee you soon You are late. Did you get lost Get lost You can do that. Do you have the time May I have you nameWhats your name. Its my secret, Dont ask such a personal question. I would rather not say . Well Let me seeJust a moment Its on the tip of my tongue. By the way, To change the subjectBefore I forgetWhile I rememberMind you I knowI knowI know, I know I got it Im not clear about it. Its past my understandingIts beyond me . (1) He is a bicycle doctor. . :ampquotampquot, doctor(euphemism),,ampquotampquot, repair man.,,,,,.,domestic help, day helplive-in helpmailservant() custodiansuperintendentdoorkeeper, caretakerjanitor()She has a tile looseShe has a cylinder missingShe is crazySh is not right in the head( ). ,,,: radio electrician radio doctor barber cosmotologist whore working girl street girl housewife household utive garbage collector sanitary engineer old age second childhood old people senior citizens false teeth dentures piss urinate number one : Nowadays many weight-watchers would like to go to the gym. . That luster has taken a fancy to Middle Eastern dancing. . They are the culturally deprived. . A libray of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year. .,ampquot, ampquot,.,,ampquotampquot,,. :ampquot. ampquotcannot. too, ampquot. ampquot.,: You should be as careful as possible. , ,,.: We cannot recommend this book too strongly. ,. You canamp39t be too care ful in dong this experiment. ,. One cannot be too careful in matters like that. .,cannot. too, impossible, difficult cannotenough, difficulty, sufficiently, exaggerate, to over-too. ampquotcannot. tooampquot: I couldnamp39t get home fast enough. . You cannot take sufficient care. . The importance of this session cannot be exaggerated. . No man can have too many friends. . L. G.AlexanderampquotNew Concept EnglishampquotampquotDo You Call That a Hatampquot ,: ampquotI find it beautiful, ampquot I said. ampquotA man can never have too many ties. ampquot ampquotAnd a woman canamp39t have too many hats, ampquot she anwered. ampquot, ampquot. ampquot. ampquot ampquot, ampquot . : We cannot too strongly inculcate (or It would be impossible to over-estimate) the importance of more teacher training to deal with student problems and prevent teenage suicides in Hong Kong. The importance of the campaign against dogs in public housing estates in Hong Kong cannot be exaggerated. (3) Do you know how to service this new - machine ------------------------------------------------------------ :ampquotampquot ,: Do you know how to seve this new - machine ,.: to paper oneamp39s room to bottle the fruit to bandage up a wound to oil a machine to position a factory near the town to pressure him to do so. , , , to serviceto serve.: to power . to empower . to site . to situateto package . () to pack . to loan to lend to decision to decide , , ,, . , to messageto send a message to to billto charge to oneamp39s account to signature to signto suspicionto suspect.,, , , . : Tom has his car serviced (maintained) regularly. Mr. Smith has authored (written) a book on AIDS. You must pressure (force) him to do it. Her dress is patterned upon (made from) a Paris model. Dick is the man who used to partner Mary. Opposition to the war snowballed. We shall book through to Hong Kong. Donamp39t fool away your time, my boy Mr. Smith noons for half an hour every day. They have husbanded their farms very well. Students in Hong Kong can view a collection of more than 100 rare species of goldfish in the Ocean Park. ,,. I couldnamp39t have got to Slough in time unless Iamp39d had a helicopter. , S. ----------------------------------------------------------- , unlessif. not, . : I shanamp39t go unless he asks me. I shanamp39t go if he does not ask me. (Eckersleyamp39s A comprehensive English Grammar) You will fail unless you work harder. You will fail if you do not work harder. (A. S. Hornbyamp39s The Advanced Learneramp39s Dictionary of Current English). , , : unless if. not --I couldnamp39t have got to Slough in time unless Iamp39d had a helicopter. . . , :ampquot, S, S, . ampquot. :ampquotI couldnamp39t have got to Slough in time unless Iamp39d had a helicopter. ampquot : unlessif. not, I couldnamp39t have got to Slough in time if Iamp39d not had a helicopter, if. not, : I did have a helicopter and I did get to Slough in time to commit the murder. . , unlessif. not, (),. , unless, . , if. not, if. not. : Unless you had lent me a hand, I should not have fulfilled my task. If you had not lent me a hand, I should not have fulfilled my task. . , , unless if. not, but. if. , but. if, if. not. , , : I could not have got to Slough, but I could have got to Slough if I had had a helicopter. , unlessif. not, , , , , . , I should not expect their help unless they were my friends. I Should not expect their help if they were not my friends. (5) He is a good sailor. . ---------------------------------------- : ampquot. ampquot , : He is a skilled seaman. He is a good sailor. : He is not liable to seasickness. He is seldom seasick in rough weather. , a good sailor : ampquotampquot. He is a good sailor. :ampquot,. : What kind of sailor are you Iamp39m a bad sailor. . Are you a good sailor Yes, Iamp39m a good sailor. . , a bad sailora good sailor, , :ampquotampquot, :ampquotampquotampquotampquot. : Lao Li is a bad teacher. (Lao Li is not much of a teacher.) . Hsiao Wang is a good learner. . John is a good thief. . , goodbadampquotampquotampquotampquot, ampquotampquot, ampquotampquot, ampquotampquot, ampquotampquot, , a good thief someone who thieves well a good learnersomeone who learns well. . : A bad workman always blames his tools. (,)badworkman, ampquotampquot. a bad workmanampquotampquot, :ampquotampquot. , a bad driverampquotampquot a bad nurseampquotampquot. , ampquotbadampquot:ampquotampquot, ampquotampquot, ampquotampquot. , badgood. (6) You are being insulting her --------------------------------- :ampquotampquot, , : You are insulting her are being insultingampquotampquot , : 1. She is kind. 2. She is being kind. , She is kindampquotampquot, , is kind , : ampquotampquot. She is being kind: ampquotampquot, , beingampquotampquotampquotampquot, , : ampquot, ampquot. , beingampquotampquot(purposely or intentionally) : They are being friendly. . Tom is being polite. . Mary is being angry with me. . Dick is being difficult. . They are being difficult. . HE is being naughty, isnamp39t he , ampquotMary, youamp39re so pretty todayampquot ampquotYouamp39re just being polite. ampquot ampquot,.ampquot ampquot. ampquot ampquotYouamp39re just being polite. ampquot, Itamp39s nice of you to say so, :ampquot. ampquot She is kind. She is being kind., , : She is good (helpful, a fool, an angel, a nuisance. ) She is being good (helpful, a fool, an angel, a nuisance. ) She is being good She is behaving well. : , ampquotbeampquot. , : The Japanese sumo star Akebono is being fat.(. is fat) (7) I donamp39t know whether they are not here. . --------------------------------------- , , :ampquotampquot, I donamp39t know wherther they are here or not. , , ,,I think that they might be here. . , : They are here. .() Arenamp39t they here (, , , .) I donamp39t know whether they are not here. I donamp39t know, ampquotampquotampquotampquot, whether they are not here, :ampquotampquot. ampquotI donamp39t know whether. notampquotampquotI wonder whether. notampquot,(a pattern of interpretation). , whether. not: Dr. Aline Wong, a Singapore Government minister, has made a new pitch for Hong Kong people to migrate there after announcing that the number of Hongkongers who have taken up permanent residence since July 1989 had reached about 4,700. Dr. Wong said Singapore and Hong Konghad much in common. Both had Dynamic economies with modern infrastructures. Therefore, she wonders whether Hongkongers will not migrate to Singapore. . 11010 100 Eg. That table measures ten feet by five. 105Eg. The traditional pattern of classroom experience at the college level brings the professor and a group of 20 to 30 students together for a 45-to-50-minute class session two or three times a week. 4550 . Por exemplo. There are 203817 voters on the electoral rolls. 203817 Eg. Nearly thirty thousand voters took part in this election. 3 . Por exemplo. Maximum swivel of table is l20. 120 Eg. 3rd March l9913 March l991 a discount of 5 percent5 Eg. purchased 7 yards of carpet7 Eg. ordered 2 pounds of minced steak 2 Eg. about five miles per hour5 Eg. at least ten yards away10 Eg. hesitated for a moment or two Eg. I have warned you a hundred times . Por exemplo. The new engine has a capacity of 4.3 litres and a power out-put of 153 kilowatts at 4400 revolutions per minute. 4.34400153 Eg. We know that the weight of a cubic foot of air at 0oC and 76cmpressure is 0.08l pound, or 12 cubic feet of air weigh a pound. 107600.81121 . Por exemplo. 4th July is an important date in American history. The fourth of July. Por exemplo. 19 couples took part in the ballroom dancing competition. 19 Nineteen couples took. Por exemplo. 60profit was a reported 60 Sixty per cent profit Eg. 1345 kilograms force was applied at the center point of the bar. 1345 When tested, a force of l345 kg was applied. . Por exemplo. At 1east two-thirds of the class have had colds. Por exemplo. Nitrogen forms about four-fifths of the atmosphere. bonne chance bonne fte bonne anne bonne bonne bon voyage bon week-end bon app bon vacances bon retour. comment a va. comme si, comme a. Quamp39est-ce qui se passe Tu est fou. Donnez-moi votre adresseS. V.P. je nai pas de chance Trouvez-vous le franais difficile comment a se prononce Vous parlez tes bien franais Tu parle un franais impeccable Le franais nest pas mon fort. Jai de la peine de parler franais. Tu me flates. Tu est le meilleur. Que fait-tu pendant tes loisirs. Tu as raison. Je suis en retard Cest un peu bizzard ( Quel age as-tu Ca fait combien de temps tu apprends le franais Tu es libre quand est-ce quon reverra quel-est le lieu de rendez-vous Bien, cest une bonne ide cest entendu. Bon, je ne manquerai pas de my rendre Si par hasard vous avez un empchement, je vous prie de me passer un coup de fil A ce soir. A demain A lundi A la semaine prochaine A plus tard. A un de ces jours. A tout lheure A bientt jai une question vous poser . Que veux-tu que je dise La france est un trs beau pays je vous souhaite un sjour agrable ici Vous avez tout fait raison Que faire. Que dire. Quoi quil arrive. je ne quitte jamais Ce ne marche pas. pour parler bien franais, parlez comme le franais Voulez-vous parlez un peu plus lentement Attendez un instant. S. V.P Dites-moi en gros de quoi il sagit. Veuillez me lexpliquer plus en dtail. Rptez encore une fois. S. V.P Voulez-vous un peu de th Laimez-vous fort ou lger Je nintresse rien Je vous remercie de mon coeur Je vous remercie de votre attentiongentillessesoutien je suis heureux de faire votre connaissance Vous savez bien que jai toujours un moment pour vous Venez quand vous voudrez, vous serez toujours le bienvenula bienvenue cest clairVoila que est clair Je ferai tout mon possible Rien nest plus clair Eh bien, soit Voulez-vous me donner un coup de main1 TOFEL 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1BBCVOA CNN SPECIAL ENGLISH 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. 2. 3. 4.BK782 5. 1 CRAZY ENGLISH 2 3 4 5 1. Step by step, 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3partner, 4 4 5 15 6 China daily, 21st century. 7 8 9001504001000 1 2 3 Chinadaily, 21st century 4 5 9 idea, 1 ARCOpreparation for the TOEFL CD-ROM. 350TOEFL 2 yahoo World, Business, Science, Tech, Politics. world. Microsoft Bookshelf99 3Bookshelf99abcnews. go internet 3 TOEFLTOEFL 4 ARCOpreparation for the TOEFL CD-ROM 5 CRAZY ENGLISHStart TV, Start Sport, VCD 10 TOEFL SOFTWAREINTERNETVCD4000 :shanghairen. cn (97): I. (1) (3) Click click ampquotSomething is wrong with the railampquotSomething is wrong with that boySomething is wrong with something(or someone)CPUClickSomething is wrong with the CPU eggWhat is this cockhen eggeggA Way OutWe should have a way out (5)900900 ( ) (Follow Me) 900900 (Follow Me)follow (Family Album U. S.A)(Follow Me) (Family Album U. S.A) () (Family Album U. S.A.) (Follow Me)900 (New Concept English) 1. Itamp39s coolcool teen-agers) ( debonaire) something good or acceptablesituation is under controlbeing calm, gentle, courteous or good-lookingmeet teenamp39s standard. Thatamp39s coolhe is coolthis is cool. Skydiving (surfing) is cool. (I, we, they ) verb to be (is, was, were, will be, have been) She (He) was cool in the past. Thatamp39s a cool T-shirt. He (she) is a cool person. Are you cool(cool cold) cool She looks as cool as a cucumber. calm and charming not emotional. (cucumber) ( cool ) 2. Are you trippinamp39trippinamp39 trip tripped, tripping (apostrophe ) g slang(to get high on drug such as LSD) (Are you under any influence of drug or alcoholic Why are you so crazy and bizarre) They are trippinamp39. tripping She (he) is trippinamp39. Mr. A must be trippinamp39. 3. He is a nerdnerd (A person always buries his nose in books, but not good at social situations. (well-rounded) nerd IQEQ(IQ Intelligence Quotient EQ Emotional Quotient) nerd He used to be a nerd in high school. () Many Chinese students are have beenconsidered nerds. geek nerd geek IQ He is a computer geek. () jerk (annoying person) I donamp39t like him because he is a jerk. Many jerks are working in our company. They are jerks He was a jerk in the past Mr. A has been jerk for years. ( dork jerk ) 4. Yo babyYo baby Yo baby, yo baby yo(He thinks she is pretty and attractive, so he wants to speak to her.)(to use as a form of opening line or pick-up line or to begin a greeting try to know her or date her) Yo baby, are you trippinamp39Yo babyampquot May I help you with something I think I have met you somewhere before. Hey, hey, heyampquot Hey, hey, hey, whatamp39s going onwhat is going on (a form of greeting or open statement) Hey, hey, hey, are you going to the movie() 5. She is a hoho whore peer pressure curiosity enjoyment (a girl or woman gives sex freely without charge)She is very loose. She is a loose woman (girl) ho They are (were) hos. There are quite a few hos in high schools. whore(a girl or woman is paid for sex.) 6. Catch you later(a form to saygoodbye) (I donamp39t have time to talk with you now, but we can talk later.) catch talk contact catch him, her, them I am off. I am leaving now Iamp39ll talk to you again. () 1. Itamp39s not like that. Itamp39s not like that. Itamp39s not like that. 2. There is nothing good playing. Thereamp39s nothing good playing. Thereamp39s nothing good on TV. 3. Iamp39ve gotten carried away. get carried away Iamp39ve Youamp39ve gotten carried away. 4. Good thing. Good thing. Good thing 5. I donamp39t believe youamp39re bringing this up. bring something up I donamp39t believe youamp39re bringing this up. I am glad you are bringing this up. spy spy on someone 7. Thereamp39s no other way of saying it. Thereamp39s no other way of saying it. 8. That will not always be the case. caseThat will be the case. That will not always be the case. 9. She is coming on to you. She is coming on to you. She is making a pass at you. 10. I was being polite. polite He is polite. He has good manners. I was being polite. artificial (a.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. stand someone up stand someone up stand someone up 12. So that explains it. So that explains it everything. 13. I feel the same way. I feel the same way. I feel the same way. 14. Is there someone else Is there someone elseIs there someone else Is there someone else 15. I canamp39t help myself. I canamp39t help myself. I canamp39t help myself. I canamp39t help. : I canamp39t help but wonder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. come hell or high water 17. have something in common have something in common We have nothing in common. 18. What have you got to lose What have you got to loselose What have you got to lose19. You shouldnamp39t be so hard on yourself. You shouldnamp39t be so hard on yourself. 20. Donamp39t get me started on it. Donamp39t get me started on it. get down to.22. let someone off let someone offlet someone off the hook hooklet it off the hook 23. I donamp39t know what came over me. 24. I think youamp39re thinking of somone else. I think youamp39re thinking of someone else. 25. This is not how it looks. 26. pass oneself off as. pass oneself off as.27. be out of someoneamp39s league leagueMajor LeagueA be out of Bamp39s league. ABB BAB A talk back Donamp39t talk back to your parents. Donamp39t talk back. 29. spare no effort spareeffortspare no effort 30. Would you cut it out, already cut it outWould you cut it out, already already 31. for crying out loud for crying out loudfor crying out loudfor godamp39s sake32. for your information 33. I must be losing it. itlose it someone must be losing it. 34. This one is on me. This one is on me 35. even up the odds oddsThe odds are high. highloweven even up the odds 36. What have we got here What have we got here 37. be out of the way be out of the waybe in the way Get out of my way 38. Why all the trouble Why all the trouble Why all the trouble 39. Call it a day. Letamp39s call it a day. 40. You wonamp39t regret it. regret You wonamp39t regret it. You wonamp39t regret it. Put him her through. Iamp39ll put you through. 42. Put it on my tab. tab put it on oneamp39s tab Put it on my tab 43. No hard feelings. No hard feelings. No hard feelings. 44. cut someone loose loosecut someone loose Letamp39s cut him loose 45. join the force forcethe forcejoin the force join the Forces 46. We split it, fifty-fifty. splitsplitsplit the billfifty-fifty forty-sixty wait upwait up Donamp39t wait up. 48. I donamp39t have all day. I donamp39t have all day.49. What took you so long takeWhat took you so long What took you so long 50. Where do we go from here 51. Anywhere but here. Anywhere but here. Anyone but him her. Anything but this. 52. It comes and goes. It comes and goes. come and go53. Thereamp39s bound to be more of them. be bound todefinitely54. Iamp39m done with do withI canamp39t do with loud music. 55. This oneamp39s straight from the top. top This oneamp39s straight from the top. fill in Fill me in.57. Like finding a needle in a stack of needles. find a needle in a haystackhaystackfind a needle in a stack of needles in a stack of needles58. That figures. figureout that that makes sense That figures. That figures. That figures. 59. Take your time. Take your time Take your time. Não tenha pressa. 60. Iamp39m withon Iamp39m with someone (on something) . I am on oneamp39s side. Iamp39m with you. 61. do us a favor Do me a favor. May I ask a favor of a you Could you do me a favorCould you give me a hand Could you do me a little favor 62. be way out of line out of line lineway too hightoo highwayway too highYouamp39re way out of line. 63. Itamp39s not to reason why, itamp39s but to do and die. Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die. oursour responsibility64. Iamp39m all ears. Iamp39m all your ears. Iamp39m all your ears. 65. by all means meansby all meansof course Iamp39ll come by all means. by any means by no means 66. You got that right. You are right. You got that right. There you goHere we go 67. in my way of thinking in my way of thinking as far as Iamp39m concernedin my opinion 68. Whatamp39s this all about Whatamp39s up with thatWhat happenedWhatamp39s going on Whatamp39s this all about 69. a sight for sore eyes You are a sight for soar eyes. 70. get a word in word get a word in not get a word in edgewise (edgeways)Jean didnamp39t let me get a word in edgewise. I like love this place. I like love it here. itatmosphere Youamp39re going to (Youamp39ll) like love it here. 72. I donamp39t seem to fit. fitI dont seem to fit in. I dont seem to fit in. 73. Youamp39re well on the way. waybe well on the way be well on the way 74. I donamp39t mean to be rude, but. rudeI donamp39t mean to. I donamp39t mean to be rude, but. 75. Youamp39re out of your mind. mindbe out of. be out of oneamp39s mind Youamp39re out of your mind. 76. I wouldnamp39t look at it like that. There are two sides of a story. I wouldnamp39t look at it like that. 77. Itamp39s all there for a reason. Itamp39s all there for a reason. 78. I donamp39t have time for this. I donamp39t have time for this. I donamp39t have time for this. I donamp39t have time for this. 79. give this to you (real) straight give this to you straight Iamp39m gonna give this to you straight. I do not love you at all. 80. pain in the ass 81. I know what it takes to. take I know what it takes. 82. lay low for a while lay low for a while low lay low for a while You should stay low for a while. 83. be the best thing that ever happened to me. . be the best thing that ever happened to me.84. If there is anything I can do. If there is anything I can do. If there is anything I can do, just let me know. 85. walk away from. walk away from. walk away from something walk away from someone. 86. She saw it coming. see it coming 87. You have a way with people. wayhave a way with. have a way with. He has a way with words 88. What do you want from me What do you want from me What do you want from me What do you want from me 89. Youamp39re not cut out to be. be cut out to be90. You have one shot. You have one shot. shot You have one shot. 91. The answer is out there. XThe truth is out there. The answer is out there. The answer is out there. The answer is out there. 92. The time has come to make a choice. the time The time has come to make a choice. The time has come to make a choice. 93. Do I make myself clear Do I make myself clear Do I make myself clear Do I make myself clear 94. Thereamp39s no turning back. Thereamp39s no turning back. Thereamp39s no turning back. 95. Time is always against us. againstTime is always against us. Time is always against us. Far from it. it 97. I feel I owe you an apology. Iamp39m sorry. Iamp39m sorry. I feel I owe you an apology. 98. has anything to do with. it has anything to do with. anythingsomethinganythingnothing Does this have anything to do with you It has nothing to do with me. 99. I can only show you the door, youamp39re the one that has to walk through it. door 100. There is something about him. There is something about him her. There is definitely something special about him her. Thereamp39s Something About Mary Mary 101. A little piece of advice. Let me give you a little piece of advice. advicea little piece of A little piece of advice. A little piece of advice. 102. Let you in on a little secret. Let you in on a little secret. Let you in on a little secret. dj vu D j vu 104. Thereamp39s no way Thereamp39s no way 105. You had your time. You had your time. You had your chance. You had your time. You had your time. 106. We donamp39t have any other choice. We donamp39t have any other choice. We donamp39t have any other choice. We donamp39t have any other choice. 107. Everything but this. Anything but this. Anywhere but here. Anywhere but here. Anyone but him her. 108. Do we have a deal deal Deal Then we have a deal way too hightoo high wayway too highway above Heamp39s way above normal. 110. Why is this happening to me Why is this happening to me What did I do 111. Why do I put up with you putputput up with. put up with. I canamp39t put up with it you anymore. 112. Itamp39s for the best. Itamp39s for the best. Itamp39s for the best. 113. Iamp39ve just got one of those faces. have average looks Iamp39ve just got one of those faces. I just have one of those faces. 114. No hard feelings about the. No hard feelings. No hard feelings about. about 115. Let me put it this way. Let me put it this way. put putHow should Iput it 116. Did I miss something missDid I miss something Did I miss something 117. What did I say What did I say 118. Well, if it ainamp39t. If it ainamp39t. ainamp39tainamp39t be If it isnamp39t. call for 120. That serves you right. That serves you right. You deserved it. You deserved it. No offense. No offense. None taken. 122. If I donamp39t make it out of here. makeI canamp39t make it to the movie. I canamp39t make it out of here. make I canamp39t make it (out of here) alive. 123. I know when to say no. when to say no when to He doesnamp39t know when to stop let go. 124. come all this way for nothing all the this waycome all the way herecome all this way for nothing 125. What do you make of this make make of somethingmake of 126. Weamp39re onto something. Weamp39re onto something. I know he is onto something. 127. What have we done What have we done Pet Shop BoysWhat Have I Done to Deserve This What have I done tag tag along Do you want to tag along 129. Who put you in charge be in chargeWho put you in charge Who put you in charge 130. Whatamp39s in it for you Whatamp39s in it for you Whatamp39s in it for me 131. Thereamp39s no excuse for. Thereamp39s no excuse for. coolplay cool Are you trying to play cool 133. kill two birds with one stone kill two birds with one stone Itamp39s perfect to kill two birds with one stone. 134. Donamp39t even ask. Donamp39t even ask Donamp39t even ask Lucky me 136. Thereamp39s really no point. pointno pointthereamp39s really no point in Thereamp39s really no point. 137. a no-win situation a no-win situation Itamp39s a no-win situation for me. no-winwin-win situation 138. Letamp39s face facts. factLetamp39s face facts. Letamp39s face facts 139. Just get a grip. get a grip Just get a grip 140. it strike me as. strikeit strike me it strikes me 141. I wasnamp39t kidding around. kid Are you kidding I wasnamp39t kidding around. around I wasnamp39t kidding. 142. Then why bring it up bring something upbring something up Then why bring it up Iamp39m glad you bring it up. 143. have get something handy handy have something handyPrecaution is better than cure. 144. not make any difference make a difference It will make a difference. It wonamp39t make any difference. 145. There comes a time when. Once upon a time. There comes a time when. 146. I was wondering if. I was wondering if. ifI was wondering if you could help me. 147. What am I supposed to do without you What am I supposed to do without you 148. know better. know betterknow better The doctor knows better. know better than to V 149. It wonamp39t happen again. It wonamp39t happen again. I promise. 150. Itamp39s not that. Itamp39s not that. Itamp39s that. that Itamp39s not that. Itamp39a that. :shanghairen. cn 2B or not 2B To Be Or Not To Be 4ever Forever ASL AgeSex AFAIC As Far As Iamp39m Concerned AFAIK As Far As I Know AFK Away From Keyboard AIAMU And Iamp39m A Monkeyamp39s Uncle AISI As I See It AKA Also Known As AMBW All My Best Wishes ANFAWFOWS And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS All Of The Sudden ASAFP As Soon As ampquotFrigginampquot Possible ASAP As Soon As Possible ATST At The Same Time AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again AWGTHTGTTSA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again AYSOS Are You Stupid Or Something B4 Before B4N Bye For Now BBFBBM Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel BBIAB Be Back In A Bit BBIAF Be Back In A Few BBL Be Back Later BBN Bye Bye Now BCNU Be Seeinamp39 You BFD Big Fing Deal BFN Bye For Now BHOF Bald Headed Old Fart BIF Basis In Fact BITD Back In The Day BM Byte Me BMOTA Byte Me On The Ass BNF Big Name Fan BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again BR Bathroom BRB Be Right Back BRT Be Right There BS Big Smile BT B yte This BTDT Been There Done That BTSOOM Beats The Sh Out Of Me BTW By The Way BTWBO Be There With Bells On BWDIK But What Do I Know BWO Black, White or Other CIAO Goodbye (in Italian) CID Consider It Done CIO Check It Out CIS CompuServe Information Service CMF Count My Fingers Cof Church of Scientology CRAFT Canamp39t Remember a Fing Thing CRAWS Canamp39t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL Canamp39t Stop Laughing CTC Choaking The Chicken CUL8R See You Later CWYL Chat With You Later CYA Cover Your Ass CYL See You Later DBEYR Donamp39t Believe Everything You Read DD Due Diligence DDD Direct Distance Dial DETI Donamp39t Even Think It DGT Donamp39t Go There DHYB Donamp39t Hold Your Breath DILLIGAD Do I Look Like I Give A Damn DILLIGAS Do I Look Like I Give A Sh DKDC Donamp39t Know Donamp39t Care DLTM Donamp39t Lie To Me DQYDJ Donamp39t Quit Youamp39re Day Job DRIB Donamp39t Read If Busy DYSTSOTT Did You See The Size Of That Thing EG Evil Grin EOM End Of Message ESO Equipment Smarter than O perator F2F Face-to-Face FBKS Failure Between Keyboard and Seat FE Fatal Error FFampPN Fresh Fields and Pastures New FO F Off FOAF Friend Of A Friend FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet FTL Faster Than Light FTTB For The Time Being FUBAR Fed Up Beyond All Recognition FUBB Fed Up Beyond Belief FUD (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW For What Itamp39s Worth FYA For Your Amusement FYI For Your Information FYM For Your Misinformation GAL Get A Life GG Good Game or Gotta Go GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out GIWIST Gee, I Wish Iamp39d Said That GL Good Luck GLYASDI God Loves You And So Do I GMTA Great Minds Think Alike GNBLFY Got Nothing But Love For You GRampD Grinning Running And Ducking GR8 Great GRRRR ampquotGrowlingampquot GSOAS Go Sit On A Snake GTG Got To Go GTGB Got To Go, Bye GTGP Got To Go Pee GTH Go To Hell GTSY Glad To See Ya GYPO Get Your Pants Off HAGO Have A Good One HAK Hugs And Kisses HB Hurry Back HD Hold HHO12K Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding HHOK Ha Ha, Only Kiddin g HIOOC Help Iamp39m Out of Coffee HTH Hope This (That) Helps HUA Heads Up Ace HUYA Head Up Your A IAC In Any Case IAE In Any Event IANAC I Am Not A Crook IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer IBT In Between Technology IBTD I Beg To Differ IC In Character IDGAF I Donamp39t Give A F IDGI I Donamp39t Get It IDK I Donamp39t Know IDKY I Donamp39t Know You IDST I Didnamp39t Say That IDTS I Donamp39t Think So IFAB I Found A Bug IFU I Fed Up IGGP I Gotta Go Pee IIIO Intel Inside, Idiot Outside IIMAD If It Makes An(y) Difference IIRC If I Remember Correctly IIWM If It Were Me ILICISCOMK I Laughed, I Cried, I SpatSpilt CoffeeCrumbsCoke On My Keyboard ILY I Love You IMHO In My Humble Opinion IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion IMO In My Opinion INMP Itamp39s Not My Problem INPO In No Particular Order IOH Iamp39m Outta Here IOW In Other Words IRL In Real Life ISS I Said So ITM In The Money IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean IYSS If You Say So JC Just Checking JK Just Kidding JW Just Wondering JAFO Just Another Fing Onlooker KFY Kiss For You KISS Keep It Simple Stupid KIT Keep In Touch KMA Kiss My Ass KWIM Know What I Mean KYPO Keep Your Pants On L8R Later LD Long Distance LDTTWA Letamp39s Do The Time Warp Again LLTA Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMAO Laughing My Ass Off LMK Let Me Know LOL Laughing Out Loud - or - Lots of Luck (or Love) LTIC Laughing amp39Til I Cry LTNS Long Time No See LYL Love Ya Lots LYLAS Love You Like A Sister MHOTY My Hatamp39s Off To You MM Market Maker MorF Male or Female MOTD Message Of The Day MOTSS Members Of The Same Sex MTFBWY May The Force Be With You MWBRL More Will Be Revealed Later MYOB Mind Your Own Business NAK Nursing At Keyboard NAZ Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD No Big Deal NBIF No Basis In Fact NFI No Fing Idea NFW No Fing Way NIFOC Nude In Front Of The Computer NM Never Mind NMP Not My Problem NOYB None Of Your Business NP No Problem NQOCD Not Quite Our Class Dear NRG Energy NRN No Reply Necessary NYCFS New York City Finger Saluet OAUS On An Unrelated Subject OBTW Oh By The Way OIC Oh, I see OMDB Over My Dead Body OMG Oh My Gosh OMIK Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard ONNA Oh No, Not Again OOC Out Of Character OOTB Out Of The Box - or - Out Of The Blue OT Off Topic OTOH On the Other Hand OWTTE Or Words To That Effect OZ stands for ampquotAustraliaampquot PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard PIMP Peeing In My Pants PITA Pain In The Ass PLS Please PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In PO Piss Off POV Point of View RBTL Read Between The Lines RL Real Life RLF Real Life Friend RMLB Read My Lips Baby RMMM Read My Mail Man RN Right Now ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off ROTM Right On The Money RSN Real Soon Now RTFM Read The Fing Manual RTK Return To Keyboard RTM Read The Manual RU Are You SBTA Sorry, Being Thick Again SH Sh Happens SITD Still In The Dark SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fed Up SOL Sh Out of Luck SorG Straight or Gay SSDD Same Sh Different Day STFU Shut The F Up STM Spank The Monkey STYS Speak To You Soon SUYF Shut Up You Fool SWAG Scientific Wild Ass Guess SWAK Sent (or Sealed) With A Kiss SWDYT So What Do You Think TAH Take A Hike TANSTAAFL There Ainamp39t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU Things Are Really Fed Up TDTM Talk Dirty To Me TEOTWAWKI The End Of The World As We Know It TFN Thanks For Nothinamp39 THX or TX or THKS Thanks TIA Thanks In Advance TIAIL Think I Am In Love TIC Tongue In Cheek TLA Three Letter Acronym TLGO The List Goes On TM Trust Me TMI Too Much Information TMTOWTDI Thereamp39s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB The Powers That Be TSR Totally Stuck in RAM TTFN Ta Ta For Now TTT Thatamp39s The Ticket - or - To The Top TTYL Talk To You Later TWHAB This Wonamp39t Hurt A Bit TY Thank You TYVM Thank You Very Much unPC unPolitically Correct URYY4M You Are Too Wise For Me VFM Value For Money WAG Wild Ass Guess WAI What An Idiot WB Welcome Back WCA Who Cares Anyway WDYS What Did You Say WDYT What Do You Think WE Whatever WEG Wicked Ev il Grin WG Wicked Grin WGAFF Who Gives A Flying F WIIFM Whatamp39s In It For Me WIT Wordsmith In Training WITFITS What in the F is this Sh WOG Wise Old Guy WRT With Regard To WTF What The F WTG Way To Go WTSDS Where The Sun Donamp39t Shine WYP Whatamp39s Your Problem WYRN Whatamp39s Your Real Name WYS Whatever You Say WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get WYT Whatever You Think YA Yet Another YA yaya Yet Another Ya-Ya (as in yo-yo) YAFIYGI You Asked For It You Got It YDKM You Donamp39t Know Me YGBK You Gotta Be Kiddinamp39 YMMV Your Mileage May Vary YNK You Never Know YOYO Youamp39re On Your Own YR Yeah Right YSYD Yeah, Sure You Do YTTT You Telling The Truth YYSSW Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever :shanghairen. cn A Useful Glossary for Personal Qualities able active adaptable adroit aggressive alert ambitious amiable amicable analytical apprehensive aspiring audacious capable careful candid charitable competent confident conscientious considerate constructive contemplat ive cooperative creative dashing dedicatid devoted dependable diplomatic disciplined discreet dutiful dynamic earnest well-educated efficient energetic enthusiastic expressive faithful forceful frank friendly frugal generous genteel gentle hard-working hearty honest hospitable humble humorous impartial independent industrious ingenious initiative have an inquiring mind intellective intelligent inventive just kind-hearted knowledgeable learned liberal logical loyal methodical modest motivated objective open-minded orderly original painstaking practical precise persevering punctual purposeful qualified rational realistic reasonable reliable responsible self-conscious selfless sensible sincere smart spirited sporting steady straightforward strict systematic strong-willed sweet-tempered temperate tireless A Useful Glossary for Personal Data name alias pen name date of birth birthdate born birthplace bi rthday age native place province city autonomous region prefecture country nationalitycitizenship dual citizenship address current address present address permanent address postal code home phone office phone Tel. Mobile Email ext. sex male female Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms () height cm. ft. in weight kg lbs marital status family status married single unmarried divorced separated number of children none street lane road district Floor tower A A Mansion house number health blood A A B B O O excellent very good good strong shortsighted farsighted colorblind ID card No. date of availability available membership president director standing director secretarygeneral society association research society January (Jan.) February (Feb.) March (Mar.) April(Apr.) May June July August (Aug.) September (Sept.) October (Oct.) November (Nov.) December (Dec.) A Useful Glossary for Work Experience work history occupational history professional employment employment history experience business experience specific experince employment record business histoty employment experience business background position job title responsibilities duties second job achievments administer assist adapted to accomplish appointed a dept in analyze authorized behave break the record control breakthrough conduct cost create demonstrate decrease design develop devise direct double earn effect eliminate enlarge enrich exploit enliven establish uation expand expedite export found generate good at guide implement import improve increase influence initiate introduce innovate inspired install invest integrate invent justified launch lead lengthen lessen level localize manage make maintain manufacture modernize mastered motivate negotiate nominated operate originate organize overcome participate in perfect perform plan promote profit promote be promoted to be proposed as provide raise reach realize receive reckon recognize recommended reconsolidate reconstruct recorded recover rectify redouble reduce refine reform registered regenerate regularize regulate rehandle rehash reinforce renew renovate repair replace representat ive research resolve , set settle shorten . show , significant , simplify , sort out speed up sponsor spread , solve standard , streamline . strengthen , study succeed supervise , supply ,() systematize target , test , top , total , translate , travel well-trained unify , use utilize valuable useful verify , vivify work , worth . ,. advanced worker working model excellent Party member excellent League member A Useful Glossary for Educational Background education educational background educational history curriculum major minor educational highlights curriculum included specialized courses courses taken courses completed special training social practice part-time jobs summer jobs vacation jobs er course extracurricular activies recreational activities academic activities social activities rewards scholarship ampquotThree Goodsampquot student ampquotampquot excellent League member excellent leader student council offjob training injob training educational system academic year semester term president vice-president acdemic dean department chairman professor associate professor guest professor lecturer teching assistant research fellow rearch assistant supervisor principal headmaster master dean of students dean of students teacher probation teacher tutor governes s intelligence quotient pass fail marks grades scores examination grade class monitor vice-monitor commissary in charge of studies commissary in charge of entertaainment commissary in charge of sports commissary in charge of physical labour Party branch secretary League branch secretary commissary in charge of organization commessary in charge of publicity degree post doctorate doctor (Ph. D) master bachelor student graduate student abroad student returned student foreign student undergraduate senior Junior sophomore freshman guest student auditor government-supported student commoner extern day-student intern prize fellow boarder classmate schoolmate graduate Listed in the Order of the English Alphabet Dept. of Accounting Deptof Agriculture Deptof Agricultural Economics Deptof Agricultural Chemistry Deptof Agricultural Engineering Deptof Animal Husbandry Deptof Anthropology Deptof Applied Mathematics Dept. of Architecture Deptof Ar chaeology Deptof Astronomy Deptof Atomic Energy Dept. of Anatomy Deptof Banking Deptof Business Administration Deptof Biology Deptof Biochemistry Deptof Botany Deptof Bacteriology Deptof Chinese Deptof Chemistry Deptof Chemical Engineering Dept. of Control Engineering Dept. of Communication Engineering Deptof Computer Science Deptof Computer Information Deptof Civil Engineering Dept. of Dance Deptof Dentistry Deptof Dietetics Deptof Diplomacy Deptof Economics Deptof Education Dept. of Industrial Design Deptof Engineering Deptof Environmental Engineering Dept. of English Deptof Entomology Deptof Electrophysics Deptof Electronic Engineering Deptof Electrical Engineering Dept. of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Deptof Fishery Deptof Fishery Technology Deptof Food Science Dept. of Foreign Languages Deptof Forestry Deptof Genetics Deptof Geography Dept. of Geology Deptof Geophysics Deptof History Deptof Horticulture Deptof International Relations Dept. of International Trade Deptof Industrial Management Dept. of Journalism Deptof Law Deptof Library Management Deptof Literature Deptof Mechanical Engineering Deptof Metallurgy Deptof Management Science Deptof Mass Communication Deptof Medical Science Deptof Marine Transportation Deptof Maritime Technology Deptof Mathematics Deptof Meteorology Deptof Mining Deptof Nuclear Enginerring Deptof Nursing Deptof Navigation Deptof Nautical Science Deptof Naval Architecture Deptof Oriental languages Deptof Oceanography Dept. of Ocean Meteorology Deptof Oil Deptof Pharmacology Deptof Pathology Deptof Political Science Deptof Physics Deptof Physical Culture Deptof Physiology Deptof Plant Pathology Deptof Plant Physiology Dept. of Philosophy Deptof Power Physics Deptof Printing Deptof Public Health Deptof Sanitary Engineering Dept. of Soil Deptof Spinning Deptof Sociology Deptof Survey Deptof Textile Engineering Deptof Theatricals Deptof Transportation Manageme nt Dept. of Veterinary Medicine Dept. of Water Conservancy Dept. of Water amp Soil Maintenance Engineering Dept. of Western Languages Deptof Zoology ampquotFinished 8th in my high school graduating class of 10.ampquot ampquotQualifications: No education or experience. ampquot ampquotI am relatively intelligent, obedient and loyal as a puppy. ampquot ampquotMy compensation should be at least equal to my age. ampquot ampquotReason for Leaving: It had to do with the IRS, FBI and SEC. ampquot ampquotFired because I fought for lower pay. ampquot ampquotSize of employer: Very tall, probably over 6amp395ampquot . ampquot ampquotPlease disregard the enclosed resumeit is terribly out of date. ampquot ampquotReason for Leaving: My boss said the end of the world is near. ampquot ampquotReason for Leaving: The owner gave new meaning to the word amp39paranoia. amp39 I prefer to elaborate ampquotHere are my qualifications for you to overlook. ampquot ampquotStrengths: Ability to meet deadlines while maintaining composer. ampquot ampquotI am a rabid typist. ampquot ampquotWork History: Performed brain wave tests,18791981.ampquot ampquotAfter receiving advice from several different angels, I have decided to pursue a new line of ampquotAs indicted, I have over five years of experience analyzing investments. ampquot ampquotSuspected to graduate early next year. ampquot ampquotDisposed of 2.5 billion in assets. ampquot ampquotProven ability to track down and correct erors. ampquot ampquotAccomplishments: Oversight of entire department. ampquot ampquotAm a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details. ampquot amp quotAccomplishments: Completed 11 years of high school. ampquot ampquotNote: Keep this resume on top of the stack. Use all others to heat your house. ampquot ampquotAssisted in daily preparation of large quantities of consumable items in a fastpaced setting. ampquot (Translation: Shortorder cook.) ampquotBut wait. thereamp39s more. You get all this business knowledge plus a grasp of marketing that is ampquotI have an excellent track record, although I am not a horse. ampquot ampquotMy fortune said, amp39Your next interview will result in a jobamp39and I like your company in ampquotTitle: Another resume from the amp39Profiles in Excellenceamp39 series. ampquot ampquotAlso Known As: Mr. Productivity, Mr. Clever, Mr. Fixit. ampquot ampquotTrustworthy references available upon requestif I give them a few bucks. ampquot ampquotLetamp39s meet so you can amp39oohamp39 and amp39ahhamp39 over my experience. ampquot (116): Trust no Future, however pleasant Let the dead past bury its dead Act, act in the living present Heart within, and God overhead If you fail, let it be Just try again until you made it I expect to pass through this life but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. Today I will savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily I will swallow the seed of success buried in each and new life will sprout within me. The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair and the bodies of those who have failed, were they piled one atop another, would cast a shadow down upon all the pyramids of the earth. Yet I will not fail, as the others, for in my hands I now hold the charts, which will guide through perilous waters to shores, which only yesterday seemed but a dream. Never lose hope. Always have faith, It allows you to cope. Trying times will pass, As they always do. Just have patience, Your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, Youamp39ll live through your pain. Know it will pass, And strength you will gain(117): The Structure of a Meeting One of the most common requirements of business English is holding meetings in English. The following sections provide useful language and phrases for conducting meetings and making contributions to a meeting. Meetings generally follow a more or less similar structure and can be divided into the following parts: I - Introductions Opening the Meeting Welcoming and Introducing Participants Stating the Principal Objectives of a Meeting Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent II - Reviewing Past Business Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting Dealing with Recent Developments III - Beginning the Meeting Introducing the Agenda Allocating Roles (secretary, participants) Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting (contributions, timing, decision-making, etc.) IV - Discussing Items Introducing the First Item on the Agenda Closing an Item Next Item Giving Control to the Next Participant V - Finishing the Meeting Summarizing Finishing Up Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting Thanking Participants for Attending Closing the Meeting The following pages focus on each part of the meeting and the appropriate language for each situation. ----- Running a Meeting The following phrases are used to conduct a meeting. These phrases are useful if you are called on to conduct a meeting. Opening Good morningafternoon, everyone. If we are all here, letamp39s get started start the meeting start. Welcoming and Introducing Please join me in welcoming (name of participant) Weamp39re pleased to welcome (name of participant) Iamp39d like to extend a warm welcome to (name of participant) Itamp39s a pleasure to welcome (name of participant) Iamp39d like to introduce (name of participant) Stating the Principal Objectives Weamp39re here today to. Iamp39d like to make sure that we. Our main aim today is to. Iamp39ve called this meeting in order to. Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent Iamp39m afraid. (name of participant) canamp39t be with us today. She is in. Unfortunately, (name of participant). will not be with us to day because he. I have received apologies for absence from (name of participant), who is in (place). Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting To begin with Iamp39d like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting. First, letamp39s go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on (date) Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on (date) Dealing with Recent Developments Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along John, have you completed the report on the new accounting package Has everyone received a copy of the Tate Foundation report on current marketing trends Moving Forward So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, letamp39s move on to todayamp39s agenda. Shall we get down to business Is there Any Other Business If there are no further developments, Iamp39d like to move on to todayamp39s topic. Introducing the Agenda Have you all received a copy of the agenda There are X items on the agenda. Primeiro. second. third. lastly. Shall we take the points in this order If you donamp39t mind, Iamp39d like to go in order today. skip item 1 and move on to item 3 I suggest we take item 2 last. Allocating Roles (secretary, participants) (name of participant) has agreed to take the minutes. (name of participant), would you mind taking the minutes (name of participant) has kindly agreed to give us a report on. (name of participant) will lead point 1, (name of participant) point 2, and (name of participant) point 3. (name of participant), would you mind taking notes today Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting (contributions, timing, decision-making, etc.) We will first hear a short report on each point first, followed by a discussion of. I suggest we go round the table first. Letamp39s make sure we finish by. Iamp39d suggest we. There will be five minutes for each item. Weamp39ll have to keep each item to 15 minutes. Otherwise weamp39ll never get through. Introducing the First Item on the Agenda So, letamp39s start with. Iamp39d suggest we start with. Why donamp39t we start with. So, the first item on the agenda is Pete, would you like to kick off Shall we start with. (name of participant), would you like to introduce this item Closing an Item I think that takes care of the first item. Shall we leave that item Why donamp39t we move on to. If nobody has anything else to add, lets. Next Item Letamp39s move onto the next item Now that weamp39ve discussed X, letamp39s now. The next item on todayamp39s agenda is. Now we come to the question of. Giving Control to the Next Participant Iamp39d like to hand over to (name of participant), who is going to lead the next point. Next, (name of participant) is going to take us through. Now, Iamp39d like to introduce (name of participant) who is going to. Summarizing Before we close todayamp39s meeting, let me just summarize the main points. Let me quickly go over todayamp39s main points. To sum up. OK, why donamp39t we quickly summarize what weamp39ve done today. In brief. Shall I go over the main points Finishing Up Right, it looks as though weamp39ve covered the main items. If there are no other comments, Iamp39d like to wrap this meeting up. Letamp39s bring this to a close for today. Is there Any Other Business Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting Can we set the date for the next meeting, please So, the next meeting will be on. (day), the. (date) of. (month) at. Letamp39s next meet on. (day), the. (date) of. (month) at. What about the following Wednesday How is that Thanking Participants for Attending Iamp39d like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London. Thank you all for attending. Thanks for your participation. Closing the Meeting The meeting is finished, weamp39ll see each other next. The meeting is closed. I declare the meeting closed. -------------------------------------- Language Used to Participate in Meetings The following phrases are used to participate in a meeting. These phrases are useful for expressing your ideas and giving to a meeting. Getting the Chairpersonamp39s Attention (MisterMadam) chairman. May I have a word If I may, I think. Excuse me for interrupting. May I come in here Giving Opinions Iamp39m positive that. I (really) feel that. In my opinion. The way I see things. If you ask me. I tend to think that. Asking for Opinions Are you positive that. Do you (really) think that. (name of participant) can we get your How do you feel about. Commenting Thatamp39s interesting . I never thought about it that way before. Good point I get your point. I see what you mean. Agreeing I totally agree with you. Exactly Thatamp39s (exactly) the way I feel. I have to agree with (name of participant). Disagreeing Unfortunately, I see it differently. Up to a point I agree with you, but. (Iamp39m afraid) I canamp39t agree Advising and Suggesting Letamp39s. We should. Why donamp39t you. HowWhat about. I suggestrecommend that. Clarifying Let me spell out. Have I made that clear Do you see what Iamp39m getting at Let me put this another way. Iamp39d just like to repeat that. Requesting Information Please, could you. Iamp39d like you to. Would you mind. I wonder if you could. Asking for Repetition Iamp39m afraid I didnamp39t understand that. Could you repeat what you just said I didnamp39t catch that. Could you repeat that, please I missed that. Could you say it again, please Could you run that by me one more time Asking for Clarification I donamp39t quite follow you. What exactly do you mean Iamp39m afraid I donamp39t quite understand what your are getting at. Could you explain to me how that is going to work I donamp39t see what you mean. Could we have some more details, please Asking for Verification You did say next week, didnamp39t you (amp39didamp39 is stressed) Do you mean that. Is it true that. Asking for Spelling Could you spell that, please Would you mind spelling that for me, please Asking for Contributions We havenamp39t heard from you yet, (name of participant). What do you think about this proposal Would you like to add anything, (name of participant) Has anyone else got anything to contribute Are there any more comments Correcting Information Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I said. Sorry, thatamp39s not quite right. Iamp39m afraid you donamp39t understand what Iamp39m saying. Thatamp39s not quite what I had in mind. Thatamp39s not what I meant. Keeping the Meeting On Target (time, relevance, decisions) Weamp39re running short of time. Well, that seems to be all the time we have today. Please be brief. Iamp39m afraid weamp39ve run out of time. Iamp39m afraid thatamp39s outside the scope of this meeting. Letamp39s get back on track, why donamp39t we Thatamp39s not really why weamp39re here today. Why donamp39t we return to the main focus of todayamp39s meeting. Weamp39ll have to leave that to another time. Weamp39re beginning to lose sight of the main point. Keep to the point, please. I think weamp39d better leave that for another meeting. Are we ready to make a decision :shanghairen. cn ----------------------------------------- export credit export subsidy dumping exchange dumping special preferences bonded warehouse favorable balance of trade unfavorable balance of trade import quotas free trade zone value of foreign trade value of international trade generalized system of preferences-GSP most-favored nation treatment-MFNT ----------------------------------------- trade term (price term) freight price wharfage total value landing charges amount customs duty net price stamp duty price including commission portdues return commission portof shipment discount, allowance port of discharge wholesale price portof destination retail price inportlicence spot price exportlicence forward price current price prevailingprice world (International)Marketprice FOB-free on board CampF-cost and freight CIF-cost, insurance and freight ------------------------------------------ delivery steamship(S. S) shipment charter ( the chartered shep) time of delivery voyage charter time of shipment time charter shipper, consignor consignee regular shipping liner lighter shipping space tanker clearance of goods cargo receipt to take delivery of goods airway bill original BL optional port optional charges optional charges to be borne by the Buyers optional charges for Buyers account shipment during January January shipment shipment not later than Jan.31st. shipment on or before Jan.31st. shipment during Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. shipment . ( shipment during. in two lots . ( shipment during. in two equal lots in three monthly shipments in three equal monthly shipments immediate shipments prompt shipments 30 shipments within 30 days after receipt of LC partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable -------------------------------- indent book booking cable reply firm offer bid bidding bid firm counter offer ) offer offer firm inquiryenquiry -------------------------------- price indication reply immediately reference price usual practice business negotiation without engagement business discussion subject to reply subject to reply reaching heretime of validity : valid tillpurchase contract sales contract purchase confirmation sales confirmation general terms and conditions subject to prior sale subject to sellers confirmation subject to our final confirmation ------------------------------------------ INT (auction) consignment invitation of tender s ubmission of tender agent general agent agency agreement accumulative commission compensation trade compensatingcompensatory trade counter trade processing on giving materials assembling on provided parts exclusive right exclusivity agreement sole agency sole agent exclusive agency exclusive agent ------------------------------------------ quality original sample specifications duplicate sample deion countersample standardreference sample catalogue sealed sample pamphlet tolerance article No. assortment sample 5 5 plus or minus representative sample fair average quality ------------------------------------------- claim disputes penalty arbitration force Majeure arbitral tribunal certificate of origin inspection certificate of quanlity inspection certificate of weight (quantity) commodity inspection bureau (.C. I.B) inspection certificate -------------------------------------------- number net weight capacity gross for net volume tare gross weight more or less clause ----------------------- ------------------------- foreign exchange duation foreign currency ruation rate of exchange floating rate balance of payments hard currency direct quotation soft currency indirect quotation gold standard buying rate inflation selling rate fixed rate gold standard gold points mint par paper money system international monetary fund gold and foreign exchange reserve official upper and lower limits of fluctuation :shanghairen. cn (122): to lay the foundations course of bricks Lewisburg, PA. December 26, 2003. yourDictionary the Webamp39s most complete language resource, today released its Top 10 Words of 2003, featuring words that have made the news this year. The complete list includes the top phrases, the top names, the best and worst product names, top Enron inspired words, top YouthSpeak words, and others. The full list is available at the company website, yourDictionary. ampquotThis year the Iraqi War has dominated the English language as it has dominated the news, ampquot said Robert Beard, CEO of yourDictionary. Top Ten Words of 2003 1. Embedded News correspondents embedded in military units suggested to many that news correspondents were in bed with the military. 2. Blog Web logs have come of age and, regrettably, this lexical mutation with them. 3. SARS Farm animals strike back at the humans who eat them again with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The Flu (with a capital ampquotFampquot) is pushing right behind. 4. Spam This old word now refers to a plague contending with SARS for destructive potential. Could the Flu (with a capital ampquotFampquot) be any worse 5. Taikonaut The Chinese astronaut distracted our attention from textiles and copyrights to remind us that China is a rising industrial power. 6. Bushism This word now has a real possibility for remaining in the language. (Dan Quayle has lost his chance of making solecisms his contribution to political history.) 7. Allision The National Transportation and Safety Board in investigating the Staten Island ferry tragedy concluded it wasnamp39t a collision (between two moving objects) but an allision (a with an immoveable object). 8. Recall As in California Recall that resulted in the election of Ahh-nold as the Governator. 9. Middangeard Middle English for Middle Earth in the movies of Tolkienamp39s trilogy, still fascinating millions around the world with its characters and insights into the origins of the English language. 10. Celibacy The word which holds the key to ending the seemingly eternal scandal of the US Catholic Church. Top Ten Personal Names of 2003 1. Saddam Hussein Just crawled out of the Spider-Hole and back into the spotlight. 2. W. (Dubya) Canamp39t talk his way out of the news. (See the Top Bush Mispronunciations below.) 3. Rush Limbaugh How many pills actually fit into a cigar box 4. Martha Stewart Not really amp39cooking the booksamp39 but not quite kosher, either. 5. Pvt. Jessica Lynch Her rescue enthralled the nation desperate for good news. 6. Howard Dean The doctor from nowhere now has the team with the roadmap from nowhere to the White House-Clinton-Gore. 7. Pope John Paul II 25 years in the Papacy have taken their toll but he is still with us. 8. Ahh-nold Thatamp39s Californiaamp39s new Governator after cruising over the Count of Bustamante in the recall election. 9. Paris Hilton The heiress, apparently named after one of her grandfatheramp39s hotels, landed a job on the Fox Network with the Internet distribution of her amp39extracurricular activitiesamp39. 10. Hans Blix Whose ampquothansampquot seem to be tied in his search for the elusive WMDs. Top Ten Youthspeak Words 1. What Up Present incarnation of the ever popular: Wassup 2. Give it up Replaces the square: please applaud forPampgt 3. Shut up YouthSpeak for amp39Reallyamp39 4. Stog Cigarette, short for amp39stogeyamp39. 5. SNAG Sensitive New-Age Guy. 6. Hottie Object of affection, either personally or in the cultural milieu. 7. Poppins Perfect, as in amp39Mary Poppins is perfect in every way. amp39 8. Tricked Out Souped-up. 9. Rice Rockets Tricked out Japanese compacts, as opposed to American amp39muscleamp39 cars. 10. Side Show Temporarily cordoning off a freeway to perform outrageous car stunts in tricked-out rice rockets. Top Phrases of 2003 --ampgt 1. Shock-and-Awe Remember the initial strategy of the Iraqi War There was probably more of this when we watched Saddam Hussein emerge from his amp39spider-hole. amp39 2. Rush to War Something the US was accused of by our allies and the slogan of liberals attacked by Limbaugh. 3. Tire Pressure Announced the imminent disintegration of the Space Shuttle. 4. Weapons of Mass Destruction (or WMD). The reason given for the Rush to War. Removing a genocidal maniac wasnamp39t reason enough 5. 16 Words ampquotThe British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. ampquot Always check your sources. 6. Guantanamo Bay The US Justice and Defense Departments thought they would ampquotGitmoampquot cooperation from suspected terrorists off shore. 7. Spider-Hole Looks like this one is going to stick around for a while: Sen. Lieberman is already accusing Howard Dean of amp39crawling into a spider-hole of denialamp39. (Donamp39t step in that.) 8. Tipping Point When any topic moves from one level to the next or the state of a politician one word (or drink) away from falling flat on his face. 9. Angry Left The early followers of Howard Dean seem to have frightened him to the center. 10. Halliburton Energy Services Vice President Cheneyamp39s old company was supplying our fighting men and women with fuel at enlightened prices before the dust settled in Iraq (if it has settled yet). 5 Top Mispronunciations by President Bush in 2003 --ampgt 1. a-MERR-ca a-MER-i-ca (America) 2. NEW-cue-ler NEW-clee-er (nuclear) 3. JU-ler-ee JU-wel-ree (jewelry) 4. Anzar Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar 5. Ne-VAH-duh Ne-VAE-duh) (Nevada) Best New Product Names 1. Way Cool For concerned parents, this car window shade actually begins to turn white when the temp hits 85F. 2. Thermos Fire Ice Grill 2 Go Transportable gas grill and cooler in one unit. 3. Chronospan Storage software that protects all your data all the time. 4. iTunes Music Store Appleamp39s Napster-like site for downloadable music. Worst New Product Names 1. Hywire GMamp39s name for its new experimental fuel cell car that suggests (1) a potentially fatal act in a circus, in an (2) an electric vehicle (a spectacular automotive failure). Of course, (3) no one outside GM will ever call it ampquotHywireampquot because ampquotHaywireampquot will always be good for an easy laugh. 2. Silk From ampquotsoy milkampquot Compounded by the company slogan ampquotSilk is soy. ampquot No, it isnamp39t it is a kind of fine thread. You donamp39t want a name that requires explanation. 3. Poolife Here is a name in need of a hyphen (it seems to already have a colon). Would you want to put a product with this moniker in water you occasionally gulp 4. Clonaid The name for the cult that tried to clone the first human. They certainly could use some aid. But was this a simple case of misspelling-did they actually mean ampquotClownaidampquot 5. Bene - Benedryl (And now I wanna be a saw), Benefiber (now I wanna be a rope), Benefun (). We can no longer ignore the silly use of bene - which can convey the sense of ampquotgoodampquotut words also have pronunciations. Top Enron Inspired Words 1. Enrosion Shrinking of the value of 401K plans as a result of entrepreneurial piracy. 2. Entronpy The sudden dissipation of accumulated assets into nothingness. 3. Enro Unit of currency that used to be worth much more than it is now. 4. Enronitis It seems to be contagious, too. 5. Chronic Enronitis It is spreading and wonamp39t go away, either. Top Internet Words Moving into Widespread Use 1. Ping Send a reminder, as in amp39Ping me about thatamp39 2. Multitask To perform several tasks at the same time. 3. 10X In high tech jargon, the competitive advantage that separates a company from its competition. 4. Off line The replacement for ampquotout of it, ampquot as amp39Are you listening or are you off lineamp39 5. Bandwidth Capacity, as amp39Weamp39ll have to increase our bandwidth to handle the order. amp39 Top Sports-related Words 1. Zim As in amp39to be zimmedamp39 coined after 70-year old New York Yankees bench coach who lurched at Pedro Martinez in the American League Championship Series. 2. BCS College footballamp39s Bowl Championship Series has been called the ampquotBogus Championship Seriesampquot for leaving the Nationamp39s No. 1 college Football team (USC) out of the title game. 3. Curse of the Bambino For the Boston Red Sox itamp39s 85 years and still counting. Top Word Trends in Pop Music Names 1. Bands without pronounceable names, though usually pronounced amp39tch, tch, tchamp39. 2. ( ) Albums with symbols as names. This album by Sigur R contains a songbook of 16 blank pages. 3. The The The definite pronoun is definitely in pop music: Examples in 2003 include: The Distillers, The Thrillsamp39 The Strokes, The Postal Service, and The Crystal Method. 4. Lots of amp39Rsamp39 Examples include Christina Aguileraamp39s ampquotDirrtyampquot and Nellyamp39s ampquotHot In Herre. ampquot 5. Downloaders Downloaders could be anyone. From the 40-year-old classical connoisseur to the 11-year-old checking out Justin Timberlake. Most frequently spoken word on the Planet: 1. OK Still the most popular word in languages around the world. ampquotOKampquot originated in a joke in the 1830amp39s, spelled ampquotoll korrektampquot in Boston newspapers, the joke being, both words were incorrect. It became so popular, that it was soon abbreviated to simply ampquotO. K. ampquot Despite its popularity, the word would have fallen by the wayside had not Martin van Buren, called ampquotOld Kinderhookampquot for being born in Kinderhook, N. Y. used it in his presidential reelection campaign of 1840. So donamp39t ampquotmisunderestimateampquot the impact of presidential usage on the growth of our vocabulary. It is also spelled ampquotokay. ampquot ----------------------------------------- export credit export subsidy dumping exchange dumping special preferences bonded warehouse favorable balance of trade unfavorable balance of trade import quotas free trade zone value of foreign trade value of international trade generalized system of preferences-GSP most-favored nation treatment-MFNT ----------------------------------------- trade term (price term) freight price wharfage total value landing charges amount customs duty net price stamp duty price including commission portdues return commission portof shipment discount, allowance port of discharge wholesale price portof destination retail price inportlicence spot price exportlicence forward price current price prevailingprice world (International)Marketprice FOB-free on board CampF-cost and freight CIF-cost, insurance and freight ------------------------------------------ delivery steamship(S. S) shipment charter (the chart ered shep) time of delivery voyage charter time of shipment time charter shipper, consignor consignee regular shipping liner lighter shipping space tanker clearance of goods cargo receipt to take delivery of goods airway bill original BL optional port optional charges optional charges to be borne by the Buyers optional charges for Buyers account shipment during January January shipment shipment not later than Jan.31st. shipment on or before Jan.31st. shipment during Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. shipment . ( shipment during. in two lots . ( shipment during. in two equal lots in three monthly shipments in three equal monthly shipments immediate shipments prompt shipments 30 shipments within 30 days after receipt of LC partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable -------------------------------- indent book booking cable reply firm offer bid bidding bid firm counter offer ) offer offer firm inquiryenquiry -------------------------------- price indication reply immediately reference price usual practice business negotiation without engagement business discussion subject to reply subject to reply reaching heretime of validity : valid tillpurchase contract sales contract purchase confirmation sales confirmation general terms and conditions subject to prior sale subject to sellers confirmation subject to our final confirmation ------------------------------------------ INT (auction) consignment invitation of tender s ubmission of tender agent general agent agency agreement accumulative commission compensation trade compensatingcompensatory trade counter trade processing on giving materials assembling on provided parts exclusive right exclusivity agreement sole agency sole agent exclusive agency exclusive agent ------------------------------------------ quality original sample specifications duplicate sample deion countersample standardreference sample catalogue sealed sample pamphlet tolerance article No. assortment sample 5 5 plus or minus representative sample fair average quality ------------------------------------------- claim disputes penalty arbitration force Majeure arbitral tribunal certificate of origin inspection certificate of quanlity inspection certificate of weight (quantity) commodity inspection bureau (.C. I.B) inspection certificate -------------------------------------------- number net weight capacity gross for net volume tare gross weight more or less clause ----------------------- ------------------------- foreign exchange duation foreign currency ruation rate of exchange floating rate balance of payments hard currency direct quotation soft currency indirect quotation gold standard buying rate inflation selling rate fixed rate gold standard gold points mint par paper money system international monetary fund gold and foreign exchange reserve official upper and lower limits of fluctuation :shanghairen. cn economic indicators total product of society GNP (Gross Domestic Product) GDP (Gross Domestic Product) GDP per capita gross output value of industry and agriculture national income purchasing power parity state revenue total volume of retail sales general retail price index percentage points ampquotampquot the 8th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development planned economy state monopoly over purchase and marketing market economy mandatory plan guidance plan market regulat ion ampquotampquot establish operational mechanisms of market economy, rule by law, democratic supervision and incorruptible government ampquotampquot stress priorities over agriculture, transportation and energy supply, education and science and technology ampquotampquot optimize industrial structure, ecological environment and the quality of population primary, secondary and tertiary industries export-oriented economy foreign exchange-earning enterprise labor intensive technology, knowledge or capital intensive down-stream processing with high added-value optimize al of resources productive forces capital goods industrialization of research findings Torch Plan technology appraised as capital stock venture investmentcapital investment in fixed assets depreciation cost products vital to the peopleamp39s livelihood oversupply short supply overheated economy stem frenzied and speculative trading in the property market macro-economic control economic levers industri al policy , , , public financing, taxation, credit, interest rate, exchange rate enhance economic performancereturns social effectreturns bring about sustained, stable and coordinated development ( ) budget deficit(surplus) gross foreign export value contracted foreign direct investment foreign investment in actual use () three kinds of enterprises with foreign investment: sino-foreign joint venture, contractual joint venture allow full foreign equity operation confessional terms favorable terms tax reduction and exemption approaches to cooperation means of contributing investment contract term of a joint venture (,,) processing and compensation trades(processing with materials or given samples, assembling supplied components) trade partner transit trade foreign trade surplus actively introduce capital, technology, competent professionals and managerial expertise form outside turn-key project bidding invitation contract system bids for technology call for bid tend ers invitation for bid (IFB) biddingcompetitive bidding bid for a project bid proposals bid proposal uation bid opening win a bid be awarded a tender auction leasing bonded area free trade area practice multi-directional opening unified policy, liberalized operation, and equal competition responsibility for oneamp39s own profits and losses, the integration of industry and foreign trade, and the promotion of agent system intellectual property rights technology transfer feasibility study letter of intent investment environment transnational coorporation infrastructure 20 basically achieve modernization in 20 years serve as a medium for introducing advanced technologies, managerial expertise and qualified professionals from outside. attract investment project proposals for investment follow the international codes of practice bring in line with the international usage intensify reforms one package service one-chop approval To a great extent, the economies between out two cities are complementary to each other. equality and mutual benefit, and trading of needed goods act as an intermediary for introducing foreign capital and establishing domestic connections bring about a sustainable development sustain momentum of development economic capabilities pacemaker leading role ampquotthree connections and one levelingampquot assuring that a construction site is connected to water and electric power supplies and roads, and that the ground is leveled before a project is begun. bottleneck use industrial income to finance agriculture use tolls to repay investment in road projects delegate the authority to examine and approve to lower levels ensure a flexible control positive cycle mainstay of the national economy Pattern has taken initial shape. rationalize the property rights relationships of enterprises policy-related loss chain debts set no ceiling limit and give no minimum guarantee link total payroll with the performance of an enterprise Business is boomingsluggish quality trustworthy organization mass production limit production to market ability inland associated enterprises shipping basket project percentage of home-made parts coordinated reforms supporting measures auxiliary project domestic funds policy in favor of basic industry upgrading and updating think highly of economic growth Favorable pricemarket can be expected. anticipate lower market pricerising price fluctuate in line with market conditions seek an unduly high growth rate in a period of transition extensiveintensive operation leading position covering extensive fields the balance of depositsloans foreign exchange reserves trade surplus well-established market and sophisticated financial system wipe out unemployment cool down the over-heated future market and restore financial order tighten the money supply one digit level balance the two-way trade This meeting laid a sound foundation for the two countries to forge enduringlasting and constantcontinuous economic ties. a market slump overstocked products state mandatory planning unified price setting materials allocated by state the issue of currency standardize the price order simplify circulation and add more random checks The market mechanisms are beginning to play their regulatory role. Grains are purchased and sold by the same price because covered allowances are turned into open allowance. An important factor (contributing toresulting in) substantial price hikes lies in the gradual lifting of prices control and the structural adjustment of prices. :shanghairen. cn to transportto carryto convey transportation businessforwarding businesscarrying trade Red Bill of Lading Through Bill of Lading , 5, Please send us ty return full uctions for the five cases for London, as to contents, value, consignee and who pays all the charges. , , , , Your uctions for the disposal of the undermentioned goods, which have arrived today from Mr. Abe, will oblige. , , The above order is now ready. Please give us forwarding uctions as soon as possible B. B. 5, We have received from Messrs. B. B. five cases cheese marked Please hand us early uctions as to the disposal. , ampquotDongolaampquot, , 2000 The packages should be forwarded to New York for shipment per m. s. ampquotDongolaampquot not later than Friday next, and insured for 2,000, F. P.A. 30, , Please ship my thirty bales cotton, now kept in your warehouse, to Messrs. Okada amp Co., and forward BL to me. 515, 10, , 1-1090, In reply to your letter of the 15th May, please send ten bales of our goods, marked 1-10, by rail as soon as possible to our address, and the other ninety bales afterwards by next steamer. 70, , Please ship as soon as possible seventy bales of goat skins, kept in your warehouse, to Messrs. White amp Co. in Londong, and send me the Bill of Lading. , , We are sending you today by the American Railway Express, prepaid, the following books. The goods are being prepared for immediate delivery and will be ready for shipment tomorrow. 19--314234, 100ampquotampquot, ,, We advise you of the following shipment for your account, per m. s. ampquotIzumo Maruampquot for your port, 100 bdls. cane, against the contract No. 234, dated March 14th, 19--. We herewith send you the goods ordered last week, and hope you will find same satisfactory. Your further orders will receive our prompt attention. The cargoes were discharged at San Francisco. I inform you that the cargo of the ampquotSophiaampquot has been landed and warehoused here, and the vessel is undergoing the necessary repairs. ampquotampquot, , , I have the pleasure to inform you that the Adelaide arrived here safely yesterday, just in time to get them discharged before holidays commence. These goods will be unloaded in an hour. ampquotampquot24(501-524), 300,000, Enclosed we have the pleasure to hand you the BL per ampquotshanghai Oaruampquot, covering 501-524-24 cs Fancy Goods, and our account thereon amounting to 300,000, which we hope you will find in order. ampquotampquot, , We inform you that we are sending by the ampquotIyomaruampquot the undermentioned goods, and enclose a copy of the bill of lading for same: We have the pleasure to enclose the invoice amounting to 500,000, together with the bill of lading, both of which you will find in order. , 80ampquotampquot, Enclosed please find the invoice of eighty bales cotton bought by your order, and shipped to Kobe per ampquotInaba Maruampquot, as per the enclosed BL. Mark the cases and number consecutively. I have settled the fright and primage with Captain Scott, as per the account enclosed, and have debited you, in your account, 500 for balance paid him. , : , , , , Please remember that the goods must be extremely well packed as until the opening of navigation some four months hence, and that all the shipments must be made via Seattle, and then train on here. The goods are to be packed in tin-lined cases, and the contents of each case clearly marked on the outside. 2,500, , We shall be glad if you can charter for us a first-rate vessel of about 2,500 tons burden to convey a cargo of cotton goods from Moji to Guangzhou. , , For your information, we enclose a copy of the letter received from the Charterers Agents with regard to stowage of the cargo. , , , We offer you our services as forwarding and customs agents, and should you decide to avail yourself of them, you may rest assured that we should always act to the best of your interests. , , Our special arrangements with large transport institutions put us in a position to offer you considerable reductions for large shipments :shanghairen. cn h. o.l. l.a. n.d hope our love lasts and never dies. i. t.a. l.y. i trust and love you. l. i.b. y.a. love is beautiful you also. f.r. a.n. c.e. friendships remain and never can end. c. h.i. n.a. come here. i need affection. b.u. r.m. a. between us, remember me always. n.e. p.a. l. never ever part as lovers. i.n. d.i. a. i nearly died in adoration. k. e.n. y.a keep everything nice, yet arousing. c. a.n. a.d. a. cute and naughty action that developed into attraction k. o.r. e.a. keep optimistic regardless of every adversity. e. g.y. p.t. everythingamp39s great, you pretty thing. m. a.n. i.l. a. may all nights inspire love always. p. e.r. u. phorget (forget) everyone. remember us. t. h.a. i.l. a.n. d. totally happy. always in love and never dull.:shanghairen. cn (154):.PP. shanghairen. cn(155):10 CET630153070487.515102155500206 1.,eg: homogeneously ( adj adv) :make a reservation() commitment engagement() :gorgeous lease, mortgage installment collide with deprive of budget compensation eternalintuition penalty potential in terms ofsheertrivial regardless of 2002demonstrate demonstrated beauty mingled claim100Constrain empirical giant pandaspecies extinct spirbreath() cessgo() inspireampgt accessampgt conspiracyampgt expireampgt excessampgt perspire aspireampgt recessampgt process Versturn() form Universe ampgt reform ampgtconform ampgt converse performdeform ampgt reverse diverse vertigo scendclimb() ascend v. sophy sophisticated descendant n. transcend v. philosophy cestancestor ampgt sophomore cur PS3 precursor ampgt excursion ampgt ruptbreak() cludeclose bankrupt exclusive a. interrupt exclude v. exclusive interview corrupt rco inclusive a. ampgtampgt preclude v. scribewrite() ascribe rip() subscribe grip v. gripping conscribe circumscribe tent intentionally ps: contentpatent ampgt bathit acro debate acronym() combat acrobat ampgt acrobat anonymousampgt ps: press tract impression ampgt extract ampgt express ampgt attract ampgt suppress ampgt distract ampgt oppressflict lump conflict ampgt hump afflict ampgt plump ampltampgtbony inflict goose lump flicient cise deflicient precise ampgt subfficient concise ampgt proficient a. n. compact efficient stat miss stationary mission ampgt statue commission ampgt dismiss gest omission digestampgt congestampgt decline ingest ampgt incline be inclined to do recline pel repel ampgt ple compelampgt implement propel ampgt complement compliments ped expedition ampgt fin biped confine pedal finish define ampgt front definite confront infinite affront ampgt effrontery ceed proceed withcontine with sist exceed resist exceeding consist of persist defect n. assist affect n., effect n. superior infect v. superable supreme pat superb patrol expatriate cede compatriot concede repatriate v. recede patriot n. pull overPotluck Partyfor here or to goGive me a ringDrop me a line Hi Whatamp39s upI am fine Drop me a line Give me a ring. Call me For here or to go CoolThatamp39s cool Whatamp39s up Whatamp39s happening Whatamp39s new Nothing muchNothing new Cut it out Knock it out Stop it Donamp39t give me a hard time Get yourself together Do you have ampquottheampquot time Hang in there. Donamp39t give up. Keep trying. Give me a break Blow it. Screw up. What a big hassle. What a crummy day. You bet. Of course. Wishful thinking. Donamp39t be so fussy Itamp39s a long story. How have you been How are you doing Take things for granted. Donamp39t put on airs. Give me a lift Give me a ride Have a crush on someone. Whatamp39s the catch Party animal. Party() Pain in the neck. Pain in the ass. Skeleton in the closet. Donamp39t get on my nerve A fat chance. A poor chance. I am racking my brains. Sheamp39s a real drag. Spacingout daydreaming. I am so fed up. It doesnamp39t go with your dress. Whatamp39s the point What are you trying to say By all means Definitely. Letamp39s get a bite. Letamp39s go eat. Iamp39ll buy you a lunch (a drink a dinner). Itamp39s on me. My treat. Letamp39s go Dutch. My stomach is upset. waiterHow would you like itraremedium well-done I am under the weather. I am not feeling well. May I take a rain check () I am not myself today. Letamp39s get it straight. Whatamp39s the rush Such a fruitcake Iamp39ll swing by later. Iamp39ll stop by later. I got the tip straight from the horseamp39s mouth. tip easy as pie very easy piece of cake take French leave I donamp39t get the picture. I donamp39t understand. You should give him a piece of your mind. hit the road take off get on oneamp39s way Now he is in the driveramp39s seat He is in control now. Keep a low profile (or low key). Kinky bizarre wacky weird klutz (clutz) idiot know oneamp39s way around lionamp39s share take a back seat. take a hike leave me alone get lost hit the hay go to bed Can you give me a lift Can you give me a ride green hand moonshine mountain dew moonshineHis story is plain moonshine. chill out calm down relax rip off stealI was ripped off. rip off My right was ripped off. () G. I. (Government Issue) or GI Joe, Fritzor KrautJohn BullJap. NipJew mess around (with)Get to work. Donamp39t mess around. sneak in, sneak out sneakers She is such a brown-nose. This is in way over my head. I am an exam jitter and I always get a cramp in my stomach. Keep your study (work) on track. Did you come up with any ideas Donamp39t get uptight Take it easy. Cheese It tastes like cardboard. Get oneamp39s feet wet. I am going to try dancing for the very first time. Just to get my feet wet. William SafireBillWilliamJimmyJames :shanghairen. cn (228):EMAIL :shanghairen. cn SNOW --to the tune of Chin Yuan Chun February 1936 North country scene: A hundred leagues locked in ice, A thousand leagues of whirling snow. Both sides of the Great Wall One single white immensity. The Yellow Riveramp39s swift current Is stilled from end to end. The mountains dance like silver snakes And the highlands charge like wax-hued elephants, Vying with heaven in stature. On a fine day, the land, Clad in white, adorned in red, Grows more enchanting. This land so rich in beauty Has made countless heroes bow in homage. But alas Chin Shih-huang and Han Wu-ti Were lacking in literary grace, And Tang Tai-tsung and Sung Tai-tsu Had little poetry in their souls And Genghis Khan, Proud Son of Heaven for a day, Knew only shooting eagles, bow outstretched All are past and gone For truly great men Look to this age alone. AUTHORamp39S NOTE: The highlands are those of Shensi and Shansi. 2005() 4.Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 5.California Institute of Technology 8University of Pennsylvania 10Washington University in St. Louis 1.Alliant International University() 36 Alliant 2.University of Bridgeport() 27 3.Florida Institute of Technology 23 1.Harvard University() 11 2.Princeton University() 11 3.Columbia University() 12 1.Harvard University()98 2.Princeton University()97 3.Brown University()95 4.Dartmouth College()95 5.University of Notre Dame()95 6.Yale University()95 1.Union Institute and University() 100 2.National-Louis University() 89 3.New School University() 87 1Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3.University of CaliforniaBerkeley 4.University of IllinoisUrbana-Champaign UCIEP 5.Georgia Institute of Technology 6.California Institute of Technology 7University of Southern California (Andrew and Erna Viterbi) 8.Purdue UniversityWest Lafayette 9University of MichiganAnnArbor 5.New York University 6.University of Chicago 7.University of MichiganAnnArbor 8.University of Pennsylva nia 9.University of Virginia 2.Washington University in St. Louis 3.Johns Hopkins University() 5.University of Pennsylvania 6.University of CaliforniaSan Francisco 7.University of MichiganAnn Arbor 8.Columbia University - College of Physicians and Surgeons() 10.University of Washington acrobatic gymnastics--- athleticstrack amp field--- beach--- boat race--- bobsleigh, bobsled--- boxing--- canoe slalom--- canoe--- chess--- cricket--- cycling--- diving--- downhill race---, dragon-boat racing--- dressage--- equestrian--- fencing--- figure skating--- football()soccer()--- free---- gliding sailplaning--- golf---- Greece-Roman wrestling---- gymnastic apparatus---- gymnastics---- handball----- hockey---- hold, lock----- horizontal bar----- hurdles hurdle race---- huttlecock kicking--- ice skating--- indoor--- item Archery--- judo--- jumping---- kayak---- mat exercises--- modern pentathlon--- mountain bike--- parallel bars--- polo--- relative work--- relay race relay--- rings---- roller skatin g---- rowing----- rugby--- sailing-- shooting--- side horse, pommelled horse--- ski jump--- ski jumping competition--- ski--- skiing--- slalom--- softball--- surfing--- swimming---- table tennis--- taekwondo--- tennis---- toxophily--- track--- trampoline--- trapeze--- triathlon--- tug-of-war--- volleyball--- badminton--- baseball--- basketball--- walking walking race--- wall bars--- water polo---- weightlifting --- weights --- winter sports ----- wrestling --- yacht --- Menamp39s 10m Platform 10 Womenamp39s Taekwondo Over 67kg 67 Womenamp39s Athletics 20km Walk 20 Menamp39s Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 3 Womenamp39s Diving 3m Springboard 3 Womenamp39s Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 10 Menamp39s Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 58 Menamp39s Diving 3m Springboard 3 Menamp39s Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars Womenamp39s Artistic Gymnastics Beam Menamp39s Table Tennis Singles Womenamp39s Diving 10m Platform 10 Womenamp39s Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars Womenamp39s Table Tennis Si ngles Menamp39s Badminton Singles Womenamp39s Badminton Doubles Menamp39s Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 10 Womenamp39s Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 3 Menamp39s Table Tennis Doubles Womenamp39s Badminton Singles Menamp39s Fencing Team Foil Womenamp39s Judo Heavyweight 78kg 78 Menamp39s Shooting 10m Running Target 10 Womenamp39s Shooting 25m Pistol 25 Womenamp39s Table Tennis Doubles Menamp39s Weightlifting 77kg 77 Womenamp39s Weightlifting 75 kg 75 Mixed Badminton Doubles Womenamp39s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals Womenamp39s Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 78 Menamp39s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals Womenamp39s Fencing Team Epee Womenamp39s Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals Womenamp39s Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 63 Womenamp39s Weightlifting 63kg 63 Womenamp39s Weightlifting 69kg 69 Menamp39s Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals Menamp39s Shooting 10m Air Rifle 10 Womenamp39s Shooting Trap Womenamp39s Weightlifting 53kg 53 Womenamp39s Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 52 Womenamp 39s Shooting 10m Air Pistol 10 Womenamp39s Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 500 Menamp39s Shooting 10m Air Pistol 10 Womenamp39s Shooting 10m Air Rifle 10 Menamp39s Weightlifting 56kg 56 Abstracts Abstr. Abbreviation Acta Advances Annals Anna. Annual Annu. Semi-Annual Annual Review Appendix Appx Archives Association Assn Author Bibliography Biological Abstract BA Bulletin Chemical Abstract CA Citation Cit Classification College Coll. Compact Disc-Read Only Memory CD-ROM Company Co. Content Co-term Cross-references Digest Directory Dissertations Diss. Edition Ed. Editor Ed. Excerpta Medica EM Encyclopedia The Engineering Index Ei Et al European Patent Convertion EPC Federation Gazette Guide Handbook Heading Illustration Illus. Index Cumulative Index Index Medicus IM Institute Inst. International Patent Classification IPC International Standard Book Number ISBN International Standard Series Number ISSN Journal J. Issue Keyword Letter Let. List Manual Medical Literature Analysis and MADLARS Retri System Medical Subject Headings MeSH Note Papers Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT Precision Ratio Press Procceedings Proc. Progress Publication Publ. Recall Ratio Record Report Review Sciences Abstracts SA Section Sec. See also Selective Dissemination of Information SDI Seminars Series Ser. Society Source Subheadings Stop term Subject Summary Supplement Suppl. Survey Symposium Symp. Thesaurus Title Topics Transactions Volume Vol. World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO World Patent Index WPI Yearbook :shanghairen. cn (280):. 1 1 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 : Greetings Howamp39s everything Whatamp39s up Whatamp39s new Whatamp39s happening : How are you : Nice to meet you. : Nice to see you again. : How have you been : Long time no see. I donamp39t know. Iamp39m not sure. Who knows Donamp39t ask me Itamp39s not certain. Nothing is set yet. It hasnamp39t been decided yet. Itamp39s not clear. Itamp39s up in the air. Itamp39s hard to say. Thank you. Thanks. I really appreciate it. Youamp39re one in a million. Youamp39re the greatest. Thanks to you (we made it on time.) I couldnamp39t have done it without you. Iamp39m truly grateful for your help. Your help was greatly appreciated. Iamp39d like to express my gratitude. GoodbyeTake care. Later. So long. Until we meet again (next time.)See you later, (alligator.)See you tomorrow (next week, on Monday, etc.)Farewell. Adios Hasta la vistaI love you. I have a crush on you. I care about you deeply. Iamp39m fond of you. You light up my life. I canamp39t live without you. You mean the world to me. My heart belongs to you. You take my breath away. Je tamp39aime. Ich liebe Dich. Te quiero. Te amo. Te amo. Seni Seviyorum. Ya la-Blue teb-Ya. Ai siteru. Sarang heyo. Chan rak te. Ngoh oi leih. You are great. Youamp39re greaterrific. I admire you. Youamp39re really cool. Youamp39re amazing. Youamp39re awesome. You did a great job. You really impress me. Youamp39re an outstanding individual. You are a great asset to our company. BargainingHaggling Thatamp39s unreasonable Iamp39d take it for (100.) How about (100) Iamp39d buy this if it were cheaper. Lower the price, and Iamp39ll consider it. Itamp39s a little overpriced. I like everything about it except the price. Iamp39ve seen this cheaper (in) other places. I heard other stores were having great mark-downs on this item. If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount 1 Thatamp39s terrible How awful Thatamp39s horribledreadful What a nightmare 2 How terrifying Thatamp39s scary How frightening 3 How creepy Thatamp39s spooky I want to break up. Itamp39s over. Donamp39t call me anymore. Thereamp39s someone else. Weamp39re not meant for each other. I need some time alone. Weamp39re better off as friends. Youamp39re too good for me. You deserve a better manwoman. Sorry, Iamp39m (reallysoterribly) sorry. Apologize. Please accept my apology. I feel really bad about. I didnamp39t mean it. Itamp39s all my fault. How could I be so thoughtless How can I make it up to youIamp39ll never forgive myself. Will you ever forgive me Happy New Millennium Happy Hanukkah Iamp39ll have a blue Christmas without you. Iamp39ll Weamp39ll be thinking of you during this Christmas season. Wishing you peace and happiness during the holidays. Stay warm, safe and healthy during the holidays May your Christmas be filled with joy and warmth Hope the holidays find you happy and healthy. So, whatamp39s your New Yearamp39s resolution Hanukkah12165 Will you marry me Would you be my wifehusband I think itamp39s time we took some vows. I think itamp39s time we settled down. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be with you forever. Letamp39s get hitched Letamp39s tie the knotI want to have your children. hitch(v.) As the new year begins, let us also start anew. Happy New Year and hope you strike it rich May wealth and riches be drawn your way. May you walk the path of prosperity. May a river of gold flow into your pockets. May you succeed at whatever you try. May all your wishes come true. Hope everything goes your way. May the New Year bring you good fortune. I wish you good fortune and every success. May you always get more than you wish for.-- By I support you. Iamp39ll stand by you. Iamp39m with you all the way. Iamp39m behind you all the way. Iamp39m there for you. You have my support. You have my vote. You can count on me. You got my back. Guess what I know something you donamp39t know Ask me what just happened. Have I got news for youYouamp39ll never guess. You wonamp39t believe. The weirdest thing just happened. I donamp39t know how to tell you this. Thereamp39s something thatamp39s been eating at me for a long time.-- By Iamp39ve had enough of your. Who do you think you are How dare youYou worthless piece of. You infuriate me. Youamp39re really full of itShut your face Get out of my face Stuff it That doesnamp39t count. We werenamp39t playing for real. Money has been really tight lately. Iamp39ve had so many other expenses. Itamp39s not my fault. He She made me do it. I didnamp39t see the sign. Itamp39s not my turn to. I didnamp39t know anything about it.-- By Itamp39s really impressive the way you run this company. I look forward to coming to work every day. Youamp39re the best-dressed boss around. Youamp39re my idol. I really admire your decision-making ability. pass Youamp39re too young to be a professor. Could you autograph your book for me, please Your teaching is so inspiring. You look so much younger than my classmatesamp39 moms dads. : You look like someone I know. Havenamp39t we met beforeThatamp39s a great haircut. (To the bartender) Iamp39ll have what the handsome gentlman (beautiful lady) is having. Can I buy you a drink You have a great smile. MM Are you here alone Whatamp39s a handsome guy (pretty girl) like you doing here aloneWhat do you say we go somewhere quiet. GG Just this once. Iamp39ll never ask again. Iamp39ll make it up to you. Iamp39ll give you a massage if you. You never. for me :shanghairen. cn East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome Elecampane Inula Root Emblic Leafflower Fruit English Walnut Seed Entada Sten Entadae Stem Ephedra Herb Epigeal Srephaia Root Epimedium Herb Erect St. Johnamp39swort Herb Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf Eucommia Bark European Grape Fruit European Hop Flower European Verbena European Waterhemlock Root False Chinese Swertia Herb Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome Falsesour Cherry Fangchi Root Feather Cockscomb Seed Fennel Fruit Fermented Soybean Fewflower Lysionotus Herb Field Sowthistle Herb Figwort Root Filiform Cassytha Herb Fimbriae Orostachys Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb Finger Citron Fistular Onion Stalk Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb Flastem Milkvetch Seed Flos Caryophyllata Forbes Wildginger Herb Forest Frogamp39s Oviduct Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root Fortune Eupatorium Herb Fortune Firethorn Fruit Fortune Loosestrife Herb Fortune Meadowrue Herb Fortune Paulownia Fruit Royal Paulownia Fruit Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole Fortuneamp39s Drynaria Rhizome Fourstamen Stephania Root Fragrant Eupatorium Herb Fragrant Plantainlily Herb Fragrant Sarcococca Herb Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb Freshwater Sponge Fringed Iris Herb Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig

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